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Its all about a controlled spread .if you think its about your safety you are wrong .to show this i will talk about the aproach on going back to school . They have lowered requirements on social distancing to 3 ft to be able to shove 30 kids in a classroom. this is simply for them saving money time and planning.Why do they want to keep them in one class so if one of the 30 gets it it is easy to isolate and say ok this class stay home. But the promblem here is that more than one in the class will get it this way. It'll most likely spread to the whole class. Then guess what there home with there parents.they will get sick to. Then look thats 90people with covid. And there is the rise in cases thats all they need to shut them down again.then when they need another rise they open the schools back up they are puppeting us around .now lets talk about the e-learning option they know after awhile more and more will go to it to the point where physical school will be obsolete. If they really cared about your health theyd first let students who dont wanna go sign up then tell so many that they cant for the semester till its at 50/50 to where classes would be smaller sized .or have different sessions .but thats not what there doing
We will not let our kids be a number. They want to increase the fear before election and the so called vacine. The vacine will weaken your immune system even more.we wont play your damn game.choosing the e-learning option is no better itll isolate you .

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