Luna's beginning

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luna universe the cheetah, is a part crystal gem with gauntlets, water wings and with her water wings she can control any type of water, shields, and healing tears, and she is a half-demon and that half-demon was created by her grandfather trigon is luna's mother side of the family, which luna can do all sorts of magic and dark magic, and she has a special armor from her parents, the sword of unbreakable from her dad, and the armor unbreakable is from her mom, she also has special ice and snow powers which she can make an ice train which you can actually drive it, Luna is also a professional inventor which she can invent a lot of cool stuff that you can imagine like a robot butler named Vance, and she is also a cool baker like she can bake cool stuff like a volcano cake, oreo brownies and etc, and she has a lot of pets like, a pink lion that can teleport to places, a light fury named starlight, a white arctic wolf named crystal, and a magical pet cat named Rosie. Luna is the last cheetah of her kind and her father's side of the family always has a son which its a lion, but when Mufasa had his daughter luna which she is a cheetah, it's kinda like a curse to the family but different. Now when luna was little she saw her father Mufasa get killed by his bother scar, and 2 years later when dragons attack her father's kingdom, luna saw her mom Sarabi get taken away by some dragons, and back then she lives with the crystal gems who took care of her for 18 years and now she is a grown-up which she is now 20 years old and she has 2 blue cat nephews named steven and gumball which they are both 4 years apart, like steven is 16 and gumball is 12 and luna has been raising them since their mother pink diamond passed away after gumballs birth, but things are going better now, steven and gumball has there best future ever, one day Luna finds a book about other kinds of Mobians, which they sing and dance different, the other mobians are pop, rock, country, tech, k-pop, reagatton, funk, classic, and yodelers mobians, but this is only the beginning for luna, and will she ever find love again after her ex-fiance Lance cheated on her before her wedding or will she find another cheetah in the future or will she defeat Zira and her family from getting to her families kingdom or will Luna find and unit all the different Mobians in peace? the world may never know.

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