Separate Schedules

28 1 1

  Hya opened her eyes to the dark celling of her room. The blinds perverted any light from shining through but she could feel a light breeze that brought in the cool early spring air. She let her head fall to one side, squinting to see an analogue clock on her bedside table reading 9:02. The perfect time to wake up. She reached for her glasses but as she did, she felt something limply hanging onto her waist. Looking down she saw Blu, her arms loosely warped around her, fast asleep. She tried to remember if Blu had fallen asleep with her or if she snuck in while she was sleeping at some point, but she didn't mind ether way.

Hya smiled and sat up as much as possible, placing her hand gently on Blus head. "Wake up sleepyhead" she said calmly, a slight groan coming from the smaller runner as she did. Hya moved her head closer to her friend "I've got work to do, can you please let me go?"

Immediately Blus grip tightened "no, stay."

"Blu, please?"

"Then ill come with you!"

"No, you need rest. You have stuff to do later, you need to sleep for as long as you can."

"Then lets hang out later!"

"I'll be asleep then."

"Exactly. Please let me come with you?"

"Well, you can ether sleep more or you can try to ask Janine if you can, but she might bite your head off for being up." A slight silence filled the air at that comment before Blu let go and turned to face the wall with a huff. Finally free, Hya stood up, turning on the lights before putting on her glasses and putting her hair in her usual pigtails. She grabbed her shoes from the foot of the bed looking once more at Blu as she tied her laces. Blu was now facing her with one arm hanging off the bed and the other under her head, Staring at her with her her aqua coloured eyes that always make her look like she knew more then she let on.

Hya smiled at Blu as she looked down at the floor, her face slightly blushed from getting caught staring. Hya moved to the edge of the bed crouching down, meeting Blu at eye level. Hya placed her hand on her head once more. "Hey, how about I ask if we can go for a run together on Friday? What do you think Five?"

  There were a few seconds of silence before Blu responded with a soft "okay." Her voice so quiet it was almost a mumble.

  "Great." Hya stood up with a smile and started to walk towards the door "I've got to go now, but I'll try to-"

  "Wait!" Blu lunged forward grabbing her by the arm with both of her hands, visibly worried. Blu buried her face into her arm as she spoke "I... I'm just... I get scared when I'm not with you so... Please be careful Five." Hya wrapped her arms around her in a tight hug, Blu wrapping her arms around her neck in response.

  "I'll be safe, I always am." That same, familiar silence filled the air once more. The comfort of each others presence being enough to make them forget everything else around them. After a while of comfortable silence, they released one another.

  Hya looked back over at the small clock, which read 9:10. "Damn." She quickly turned around to grab her bag and walked towards the door in a rush.

  "Five?" Hya stopped and turned, one foot already out the door. "Don't die on me."

  "I won't, I promise."

  The two shared a quick mutual smile before Hya ran down the hall, her footsteps slowly fading out as Blu wrapped herself in one of the thin blankets and laid her head down. she felt herself starting to drift off to sleep.

  "Be safe Hya."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2020 ⏰

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