Weasley twins x reader(platonic)

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I was in the middle of potions when I got the hiccups and The hiccups started out small but then they got louder and louder until professor Snape had enough and kicked me out of class.
After getting kicked out of class I trudged off towards the Gryffindor common room hiccuping the entire way. Eventually the twins popped up and asked if they could help me get rid of my hiccups and I reluctantly agreed. We first tried jump scares but that didn't work. Then the twins talked to professor Lupin about borrowing his bogart but he did not agree with that. Next the twins tried levitating me up into the sky but I refused.
"Guys it's hopeless" I said hiccuping again. "It's not hopeless until you give up" George said with a smirk. "Yeah that's right Georgie. Besides I have one last idea." Fred said. "Ok put some water in your mouth," I did as he said," now put your head between your legs and swallow."
I followed his instructions perfectly and I didn't hiccup anymore. I squashed the twins into a hug chanting over and over again "Thank you!".
" You saved my neck thanks Fred. How can I ever repay you?" I said to Fred. " How about you give George and I both a kiss on the cheek" Fred said smirking. " Ok" I said while giving George a kiss on the cheek. " My turn-hiccup- bloody hell!" Fred said as he started hiccuping.
"Here we go again" I said laughing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2020 ⏰

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