Chapter 1: getting the job

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(( a/n sorry if this sucks anyway the characters in this are based of there minecraft skins but they have a normal human body so ya just wanted to state that any way here's the story))

Jerome lay asleep under a blue comforter his dark brown fur licking at the edges of it. He would still be asleep if it wasn't for the knocking at his door. Sighing Jerome lazily got up from his bed and shuffled towards the door. Once opening the door Jerome came face to face with his landlord.his landlord was a blue and orange mudkip that always tried to look overly professional. "Hey husky what do you want?" The bacca asked as he rubbed his chocolate brown eyes. "I want you to pay the rent" the mudkip said giving the fluffy bacca a light glare. "Come on husky I need some more time." Jerome said giving the male a pleading look. "Fine but I want it by the end of this week not any later." Husky growled as he shoved a pink paper into his chest. Sighing the fluffy creature gave the mudkip a mumbled goodbye as he bent down to retrieve the news paper at his feet. Closing the door he spun around on the heels of his feet as he headed to the kitchen. Walking toward the coffee maker he turned it on and sat a coffee mug by it. Turning around Jerome shuffled over to the table the fluffy bacca sat down and took the rubber band off the news paper and started to glance through the job section. Stopping at a add that said 'local pizzeria looking for someone to take the night shift will pay $140 a week.' A large grin covered the furry baccas face as he grabbed his phone and called the pizzeria. "Hello sky's pizzeria how may I help you?" A males voice hummed over the phone easily. "Um hi I was calling for the night shift." Jerome said sounding somewhat timid. "What's your name" the voice asked over the phone. "Jerome sir." He answered the male. "Well Jerome how good of a worker are you?" "I'm a pretty good worker." Jerome confidently answered as a small smile etched on his features. "We'll then mr Jerome I want you here by 3:00 sharp!" The male chirped then a beeping filled the line. Jerome's jaw hung as he blinked confused chocolate eyes rapidly trying to process what he just heard. Jerome made his way over to the coffee maker that was giving out small loud beeps signalling it was done. In a daze Jerome poured the hot liquid in to his mug and took a large drink. The bacca quickly regretted this as he jerked the cup away from his mouth with a loud painful yelp. Jerome whined as he lolled his tongue out to the side of his mouth in a attempt to stop the burning sensation. Glancing at the clock that read 10:00 he decided to get a quick shower. On his way to the bathroom he grabbed a ice cube from a tray and plop it in his mouth. After his bath he got ready then sat around till it was time to leave. Once it hit 2:30 he was out the door and heading to his truck with a neverous and excised feeling in his stomach.

~time skip because I'm wazy~

Once Jerome opened the door the sound of laughter and freshly cooked pizza filled the air. The fanged creatures mouth started to water at the delicious smell of the pizza. Jerome was startled at the sound of a man laughing. "Smells that good?" The man manage through his laughter. Jerome flushed in embarrassment as he swiped his sleeve over his mouth. "Um yes sir it smells delicious." Jerome muttered to him. "We'll that's good it means the chef is doing his job well." The male stated as he turned his eyes on Jerome. Jerome gave him a look over, the male had dark brown hair and wore sunglasses a blue shirt black pants and a black vest over the shirt. "Oh by the way I'm Jerome" the bacca said as he held out his hand a large smile placed on his face (( rhymed unintentionally)). " hello Jerome I'm ssundee the owner of this pizzeria." Ssundee said as he grinned at Jerome and shook his hand . " I'm also going to guess your the one here for the job huh?." He asked as he cocked his head to the side."yes sir I am" Jerome yelped as he saluted ssundee a playful grin on his lips. Laughing the sunglasses male shook his head and turned on his heels only to stop for second and look at Jerome. "Follow me" ssundee hummed as he walked down the hallway. Jerome quickly followed after him his eyes studying the hall they walked in. Once they got to a small office Jerome glanced around the place. All the office had was a chair,tablet and some monitors on the table. Though none of that caught Jerome's attention more than the iron doors that were on each side of the room. Without much thought the bacca went over to the doors and pressed a button that said door on it only to have the door slam inches away from his face. Yelping Jerome stumbled backwards his eyes wide with shock. Ssundee burst out laughing his eyes watering behind his sunglasses. "It's not funny" Jerome whinnied as he turned his chocolate eyes on him. "Yes it is anyway follow me so I can show you the band." Ssundee chuckled out as he pressed the door button again to open it. "No it's not." Jerome muttered as he followed ssundee a light pout on his face. When Jerome caught up to ssundee he looked to were ssundee was starring. Jerome was meet with the image of three animatronic human-animals. The one in the middle was part Baer who had brown some-what wavy hair. He had on a black and Gray shirt with a pair of black jeans he also wore sunglasses and a purple and gold ((please don't hurt me)) amulet and a black top hat. The one on his left was a male human that instead of arms had chicken wings. That one had wild looking hair and wore sunglasses a golden tie and shirt plus over the shirt he wore a black jacket like thing. The one to his right was a male with purple rabbit ears. He had brown hair and wore a black and red plaid shirt and under that he had on a white tank -top. Around the rabbit boys neck was dog tags and a black and red checkered Bow tie. "These are the pride and joy of this place" ssundee hummed as he study the animatronics. " The one in the middle is sky the one to his left is Bodil the chicken and the one to his right is banjin the bunny." Ssundee finally said after a few minuets. Jerome smiled lightly. after studying the animatronics for a few Jerome started to look around his eyes landing on a door that was off to the side. "What's in there?" Jerome asked curiosity laced in his voice as he pointed to the door. "Oh that's pirates cove." ssundee replied as he started to head toward the door. "come on ill show you the place" ssundee said as he looked back at the bacca. "Okay dood" Jerome replied as he followed after him a smile gracing his face. Once they reached the door ssundee opened it and ushered Jerome in. walking to a curtain that was on one side of the abandon room he pulled it open reviling another animatronic that was slumped on a treasure chest. Jerome blinked at this one. This one was a male with fox ears his hair covering one of his red eyes. He had a hook on one of his hands and the other one showed his exoskeleton. He wore a red shirt and gray pants that were torn in some places.With a fox tail that hung limp like the rest of his slumped form. "this is foxylox" ssundee replied as he stared at the animatronic that's jaw hung slightly. "Why is he out of order?" Jerome asked as he stared at the out of order' sign. "He hit someone with his hook so hard he penetrated there skull." Ssundee replied as a shudder raced down his spine. "I'll go grab you your suit" ssundee said as he patted Jerome's back and left to grab the outfit. "Here you go" ssundee happily said as he handed Jerome a security guard outfit in it. "Thanks dood" Jerome yelped as he grabbed the suit happiness burning through his fur. "We'll Jerome you got the job so I expect you back here by 12:00 tonight got it?" Ssundee said as he placed his hands on his hips. "Yes sir!" Jerome yelped as he once again saluted him. "We'll then solider this is good bye till than" ssundee said as he too saluted Jerome back. Laughing Jerome waved good bye and walked to the door. As he left he felt like something was watching him.

((A/n and this is the end of the prologue for this fanfic five nights at sky's. also I wanted to state that the animatronics hands are actually paws of the animal they are anyway with that out of the way I hope u have a wonderful night/day/afternoon ect!))

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2014 ⏰

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