Chapter 6

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I'm chilling on the bleachers with Brian, talking about anything, and I'm also trying to distract myself that RJ is on the field, tackling everybody for the soccer ball. I'm tempted to run down there and try out, but I decided against it. "So Nicki, I want to ask you something." "Shoot." "What?" "That's another way of saying, go ahead."

Sometimes, I forget that I'm in England. "Anyway, continue Brian." "I was wondering, if... if you want to go on a date with me?" Did Brian May just ask me on a date? Oh my god. "Nicki?" Oh, I guess I was zoning out. "YES! Yes, sorry." We ended up getting heated in a kiss, when I hear a cheering noise. We pulled apart to see Roger and RJ cheering for us. I forgot Roger was down there with RJ.

We blushed at them and they started coming up here. RJ sat next to me while Roger sat next to Brian. "Sooo why were you guys making out hmm?" RJ questioned. I shook my head. My best friend is so nosy. "Come on Bri, let's go somewhere else." I glared at the two blondes and grabbed Brian's hand. I dragged him inside the school so we could continue our make out session without being interrupted. 

I dragged him to a janitors, and when I opened it, I found John and Freddie MAKING OUT. I closed the door, I think we're not "in the mood" anymore after what we just saw. We see Freddie and John come out of the closet (lmao) and look frantically for us most likely. "Nicki! Brian! You can't tell anyone you saw that ok?" Freddie pleaded. I crossed my chest, letting him know that their secret is safe with me.

"Bri?" Brian did the same thing I did. We all went our separate ways, and while the boys went to do their own thing, I went to the front of the school. I found a bench and sat down. I then feel someone sit next to me. "Hello hot stuff." You've got to be kidding me. "Mark, what are you doing here?" "Came to talk to you love." *insert gag noise*. "Please leave me alone Mark." "I'd rather not, I want you back." I hear footsteps and I turn to see RJ here. Uh oh. 

"HAVE YOU NOT LEARNED YOUR LESSON?! I TOLD YOU TO LEAVE HER ALONE!" Learned his lesson? What? "Please RJ! I'm sorry!" He started to walk away but RJ sprinted after him. She tackled him to the ground and I took off after them, I know if I don't stop it, she's going to kill the poor boy (nobody loves me, I'm sorry). RJ picked up Mark and SLAMMED him into a car. "RJ! RJ ENOUGH! STOP!"

It seemed like it wasn't getting through to her, so I ran inside the school to find Roger, I know he can calm her down. I heard many people screaming no running, but I didn't care. I found Roger and Brian talking, so I ran up to them. "Woah Nicki love, what's wrong?" Brian asked. "RJ... beating my ex... parking lot." Roger got the message. He took off in a sprint toward the front of the school. And I asked Brian to carry me since I'm a little tired. He picked me up and started running outside, thank god I'm light.

We got to the parking lot and Brian set me down. We see Roger cheering on RJ?! Oh my lord. Brian ended up pulling RJ off my ex since Roger was literally CHEERING HER ON. "DON'T EVER GO NEAR HER AGAIN! YOU'LL BE SORRY!" RJ screamed at Mark. Mark ran away crying, damn, she beat him senseless. Brian dragged her away and Roger went over to her to calm her down.

Brian came back over to check on me. "Are you ok love?" I nodded. "I'm fine Bri, don't worry about me." I smiled. We held hands and went back inside. I decided when we were walking back in, I was going to ask Brian about our date. "Hey Bri, when's our date?" "Saturday, if that's ok?" I nodded and smiled brightly. We continued walking to our lockers and I stopped at mine, and saw RJ trying to calm down. I look and see Brian at his own locker talking to Freddie. I grabbed RJ's arm and dragged her in the girls bathroom.

"What are you doing?" She asked. "Brian asked me on a date Saturday!" "DATE?!" I covered her mouth since she screamed so loud. "You're going on a date with Brian? Yesss get it girl." I blushed and shook my head. "Oh shut up! I decided to tell you because I thought you wouldn't make a big deal out of it, I was wrong." She nodded smiling. "Oh you were dead wrong."

We walked out talking about what Brian might possibly do for the date, but then we stopped and went our separate ways for class.

After school

I put all my books I didn't need for homework in my locker and started walking out. I walk out to see everybody, including Brian, standing there talking. I shrugged it off and walked toward them. Brian kissed my head and pulled me close to him. Everybody awwed at how cute we were. "I'll be right back, I forgot a book." RJ said and went back inside, Roger following her. I thought nothing of it, when I checked my backpack to make sure I had everything, to see that I forgot my chemistry book. I went back inside and I saw something that I could not erase from my brain, I wanted to bleach my eyes out right then and there.

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