Kings Landing

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I ride one of the smaller dragons to Kings landing, aegas will hold back away from Kings landing and I will call him if I need him, the other three are for protection and will stay with aegas.

While in winterfell I heard rumors of a lower compartment of the red keep that held the bones of dragons, after marking it to shore I send my dragon back up into the sky, after that
I found a passage that led to said compartment, it was huge and filled with dragon skulls.

Now only if I could find Ned, after walking for a bit I saw a doorway, it seemed to be an underground prison area. I take the torch of the wall, there were Skelton bones and a few people down there, then I turned a corner, and there crinkled up like a tiny wolf was Ned,

"Ned," I whisper, he looks up,

"Rae," he says, I take his hand,

"Cmon," I say we run out the dungeon passed all of the dragon skeletons, then we finally make it out towards the beach and I whistle for a dragon it comes swooping down. Ned looked shocked.

"They won't hurt you," I say

"Arya and Sansa are still in Kings Landing," he says with a worried tone,

"What's important is that you leave now, meet up with wrong and from there you can bargain with them, I will find my way into the city and get them for you," I say. He looks at me even more sternly,

"I promise on the old gods and the new," I say, he tends to ease up a bit, then we here rustling,

"Go now!" I say, he takes my hand and try's his best to mount the dragon.

I go to the small dragon,

"Go to the north," I say in valerian and the dragon goes up into the sky.

I go back into the tunnels, I go up to the kitchens and grab a maids uniform, with this I could practically be invisible, I go up the stairs with a tray of tea, and follow the instructions to lady sansas room, there was a guard postioned outside her room.

"Tea for lady Sansa," I say in a southern accent,
They let me in then close the door, Sansa was sitting in front of a vanity coming her hair,
Then she looks up in the mirror and immediatly turns around, I set down the tray at the table next to me. She runs towards me crying,

"Lyarra, how are you here?" She says,

"Shh, you need to trust me for this to work, I go over to her huge balcony, and quietly whistle, then like nothing, one of my dragons glides next to the balcony, Sansa starts to shake,

"It won't hurt you, they are under my orders, we're going to the north," I lend her a hand and she gets on top of the dragon. I follow, and the dragons slowly starts to fly,

"Hey!" Says a guard and fires and arrow. I cover Sansa and the dragon zooms off Into the night.

I feel a stinging in my left shoulder, and an arrow is lodged through my back, I pull it out, shit that stings.

By this time we are just crossing the border from south to north,

"Where are we?" Hisses Sansa,

"We are safe for right now," I say in a hushed voice,

After flying above villages and small towns we see a large incampment then I spot my dragon, Ned is here, the dragon drops down slowly.
The banners had the stark sigil, so I knew it was safe, then I see Caitlin and Robb hugging Ned, then rob notices me and Sansa. He comes booking over and picks up Sansa in his arms,

"Are you alright," he keeps on asking her, she nods and Caitlin comes over crying, and holds Sansa, rob turns to me and gives me a bear hug. Caitlyn pets sansas and Sansa starts to cry.

"Arya," asks Ned with a semi hopefully dispasionon,

"She's disappeared from the palace, no one knows where she is," before I could finsh that sentence I feel a weird cloud in my head and then everything goes dark.

————-・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.———-
Sorry for the late update have been working on my new story called Ireland Black, you can check it out on my page.
Thank you so much for reading!!! Plz vote comment and share!!!!

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