Finn's Pov

we snooped around the back and got in the movie theater.

"Are we seriously doing this! What if we get caught"i asked jack looking around me hoping no one would see me.

"Do you wanna see y/n or not?!"he whispered..

I nodded my head without any hesitation as i followed him.

We sat in the very last row so no one could see us in the dark.

The theater was full of the 'Dreamy Girl' casts there were so many actors there.

But my eyes only looked for one.

I stared at y/n from afar not watching the movie.I saw her smilling and giggling as she watch ed the movie..

Her smile,that damn smile could be the end of me.

I started at her drolling as i wondered about our fututre and other things..

Jack slapped my head upside down.

"wHaT"i asked him."if you keep staring at her we'll get caught!"

"uGh wE wOnT"i said as a guard stood behind us.


"FInE"i started watching the movie and imagined myself with y/n instead of the hero

I imagine us dancing and singing and jumping around

Us eating and cuddling together

Oh Boy was i hard in love

I always gave her heart eyes.shes just so beautiful and flawless

As i was drolling over y/n i didnt realize that a guard was behind us

"Oh shit-"jack spoke as the guard took us by our shirts and threw us out

The second time getting thrown out tonight.


Jack and i groaned...

Fuck my life
Jack showed his middle finger towards the guard..

"I should go home its getting preety late"jack said as he stood up and brushed the dirt off his clothes

"Yeah i should too mom will be MAD if she knows ive been out till this late"

Jack nodded

"See ya tommorow dickhard"

I rolled my eyes and waved my hand at his way

'See ya' i muttered as i started walking home.

The moon was really beautiful that was the best night of my life


I couldnt help but smile like a weirdo.oh god

The stars shimmered in the night sky a northern wind blows..

The wind blew my hair lightly..i closed my eyes and remembered how i saw her facial features..

It was beautiful.her eyes shinned different way.her smile was more brighter and her hair was short/long and beautifully styled

As i was dreaming about her

I didnt even realize i reached home.

I slowly opened the front door trying NOT to wake my mom up as i walked in and took my shoes off slowly and started tip toeing to my room..

"Finn?"my mom called

Shit.i closed my eyes tightly and turned around

"HEy mOm"i said awkwardly laughing

"Where were you.I WAS WORRIED"mom said and she stepped closer and twisted my ears..


"WHERE WERE YOU"mom asked angrily

"I was with jack"

"What were you idiots doing together?"she asked staring into my soul


She gave me a confused look.she looked like she was about to cook me and eat me alive

"We went to y/ns premier"

She gave me a 'oH' look. She knew how much crazy i was for y/n

"You know how worried i was you- you could have been kidnapped or killed"she said concerned about me

"Mommm i am not a kid anymore. You dont have to worry about me ALL the time"i said as i hugged her from behind

She shrugged my arm off

"I know youre not a kid anymore but you still are my little baby boy"she said as she pinched my cheeks hard

"OW moM"

She chuckled and ruffed my hair

"MOm youre ruining my hair style"i said jokingly and fixed my hair

She rolled her eyes and said"ok tell me what did you guys do at the premier"

"We saw y/n she wore a pink dress. She looked really beautiful. Her smile was somehow brighter tonight and-and she was awsome"

My mom pinched my cheeks again

"Okayyy dream boy now go to sleep. You have to wake up early tommorow for shooting"

I nodded my head and kissed my mom on cheek

"Night momm"i said and went in my room and laid down on bed

My thoughts flooded back to y/n.i just couldnt get her out of my head

She was running throught my mind all day and all night.dosent matter how hard i tried i kept thinking about her and her smile

Her eyes

Her lips

Her hair


I closed my eyes and turned the other way trying to sleep..

Okay finn you have to sleep now. You have shooting tommorow

I kept saying that to myself and driffted off to stumber.


FinnsCupofTea your wish has been granted tea.

ANYWAYS i hope you liked this 😊

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