Chapter 1- Madly In Love

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Benjamin put his head in his hands as David tried to explain the same problem for the eighth time, still not understanding a word that came out of his mouth. 

"I can't do this" he mumbled into his hands, earning a sympathetic look from the other boy. 

"Try it a couple more times and if you get them right we can stop, promise." 

Benjamin couldn't help but smile as he returned the offered pinky promise, the action earning a lopsided grin before the torture formally known as Algebra resumed. 

"Okay, what is 25^1/2 written in radical form?" 

Benjamin scanned through his notes trying to figure out what to do before he hesitantly said his answer. "The square root of 25?" He recieved a smile. 

"Which is?" 

"Uhhh, 5?" he replied, as he gained some confidence from the look of pride on his boyfriends face. 

"Now do the cube root of 25" The change in powers caused a frown and the notes were checked again just to be sure the same process was required. 


"uh huh, and?" 

Unable to use a calculator Benjamin did the math in his head. "I think it's 5 but the last one was 5 so this one can't be... Can it?"

David shruged, trying to hide the faint smile on his face.

"Uh... 5. I'm going with five." 

The book in David's hands was put on the bed and Benjamin was pulled towards him, a kiss lovingly placed on his forehead "See, I told you you could do it Benji" 

"Yeah yeah, it's only because I have a brilliant tutor " the boy countered before they shifted to a laying position, Davids chin rested on Benjamin's head. 

"You're brilliant, Benjamin, I love you. Now get some rest, you've got a test tomorrow" He mumbled into the top of his head. That night in that bed slept two brilliant people madly in love with eachother. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2020 ⏰

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