We've been home for a week now and its been great. Since we tour so often we decided to all get a place together for convenience sake. Some people think that we'd get tired of each other but in reality we're so close that it works out. We've learned to depend on each other, we're as close as family. 

Thats not to say that we don't all have our own lives. Since we got home I've pretty much only been at my boyfriends house. Neil and I have been together for almost two years now. We met through Ali, actually. Neil is Ali's brother's best friend. Since he knew Ali for so long he knew all about how long a tour is and understood that I'm gone a lot of the time. We both hate being apart but we also know its a huge part of my life.

"Hey, babe?" I yell into the apartment, suddenly missing him being beside me.

"Yeah?" he yells back. Sounds like he's in the kitchen.

"Come back to bed!" I yell.

Within 30 seconds he's back, carrying two smoothies for us.

As much as I love Neil, I kind of hate how healthy he is. He doesn't even need cheat days because eating clean shouldn't be a chore. Its nice to be healthy but at the same time I kinda just wanna eat chips in bed every now and then and not be judged for it. But hey, Neil is dedicated to his health and mine so I should be grateful to have someone looking out for me.

"Kiwi and mango." he says, grinning at me. He hands it to me and kisses me. "I missed this."

"Me too." I say with a sigh. "It never gets easier."

"I know, baby, but we have time together now." he says, the end sounding more like a question.

"Two months together." I say, feeling a knot form in my throat. I'm dreading leaving him already.

"Two months is short." he says, confused. "Usually its more isnt it?"

"Yeah, but we're touring with a big band and we just got the opportunity so they sat us down and talked to us about it while we were on tour. We all agreed it'd be good for us."

"I'm happy for you guys." he says, giving me another kiss. "You'll do great as always."

"You're our biggest fan." I say with a laugh.

Truthfully Neil isn't actually into our music, its not his genre. He recognizes that we're good, its just not for him.

"How 'bout that smoothie?" he asks me, tearing us away from the subject of touring.

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