first and only chapter

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Oh well hello there! I didn't even hear you approach!

Come closer; come closer! Don't be shy. I don't bite.

What am I doing here?

I'm visiting my grave!

No, no, don't go. That's not how this works.


Let's play a game. I'll start. What's your name?

Kyle? Hi Kyle my name is Dany. Your turn!

How did I die, you ask?


That's easy; I was murdered.

That seems to have piqued your interest. Would you like to hear the rest of the story?

You do? Great!

Well I suppose the first thing you should know is that I was a twin.

My twin had a mental disorder. He had no genuine sense of emotion. But he could mimic it well. Often copying whole personalities. Almost like a mirror.

Growing up our mother would dress is exactly the same. So often that in a sense we had no real identity. In the end we became eerily similar. Sharing the same movements and speech patterns. No one could tell is apart in the end. So then after 6 years our mother started to dress is different.

Why you ask? Oh, that's because the weird thing started to show up!

Like everything else, it started of small, almost unnoticeable. Like stuffed animals torn to bits in the yard or bugs pulled apart. Then it got bigger. Piles of bugs burning and small animals caged and tortured.
The final straw was the  squirrel that got gutted.

That year my brother was sent to a school for psychotic children.

In the end I didn't get to see my brother for years. Four years infact. And all the while he was gone nothing out of the ordinary happened. My life was pretty simple; a full conundrum of school, theater, sports, and what to do next.

I made it a point to get good grades. I tried to be a good friend. But despite having no time for myself I was still bored.

Then my brother came back.

He made the house lively again. He was like the new toy. Then the weirdness began. It started with the bugs again. Then to the small animals and finally to the neighborhood pets. Some were found dead and others alive. All were tortured.

And he was sent away again.

Life went back to its dull rhythm of school, sports, and what to do. I started hanging around more people to fill in extra time but, they never seem to last long. Their families would either move or the kid would run away. It was really heartbreaking.

This lasted eight years until my brother showed up again. For the first few weeks after he showed up nothing happened. It was like he was completely normal. And Ma  held on to that hope.

So I started hanging around him and he was oddly happy about that. We started acting like normal Brothers. I started following him around again.

Then one day he said he had something to show me. You led me to the middle of the forest, nearest mall Creek, where in abandoned cabin was.

You turn to me excited, "Come on!" Then he turned and led me to the back of an empty room. He stood in the middle of the room with his arms outstretched, palms up. Facing me to make sure I came and didn't leave him. When he saw me his grin grew even more and he turned around.

" Look how pretty it is in here! Look how unique the paint patterns are! The great texture they must have employed a very special wave painting to make the the reds fade to brown!" He said admiring all the pretty work.

I close the door and reclaimed to the ax from the wall it was hiding. He tilted his head back to admire the ceilings high arches.

" Don't you think it's faded a little? The red is mostly brown. It needs a new paint job."

" You're right, yes it does." I answer. "And a repeating it shall get tonight."

What's with that look Kyle?

Didn't I say my brother was the master of mirrors?

Oh, leaving so soon?

Well then be sure to tell Dany, Andy says hi!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2020 ⏰

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