Let the shenanigans begin

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Christmas time has arrived and Katie is going home for the holidays. She's in first year which means that she doesn't know what to expect from her friends. In fact, she's not expecting anything. She's expecting a quiet Christmas. She's expecting to take a break from friendships and things will be back on track as soon as they meet up again on the train. She's expecting to spend the train ride hearing about her friends' amazing holidays but that's not what the twins were planning. They want to prank Filch and they want her to help them. She barely arrived home when she received an owl from them. They'll be spending the holidays planning with Katie and Katie will be making sure they don't overdo it.
They met up on Boxing Day. Katie went to the Burrow and got greeted by Charlie. The Burrow seemed too quiet.

"Hi. I'm Katie, a friend of the twins. Are they here by any chance?" asks Katie.

"Hey, I'm Charlie, their older brother. Yes, they're here. It's just the three of us at the moment. Bill and dad are at work and mum took the others to Diagon Alley." Answered Charlie.

Katie sits down at the table. "So did they tell you what they're up to?" asks Katie. She wanted to know how much the twins trust the Head Boy.

"Not much. They just said that they want to prank Filch. I think they need my help to sneak around the castle" said Charlie as he heated the kettle for some tea.

"There she is!" shouted the twins as they were coming down the last few steps of the stairs. Fred was holding some parchment, ink and some quills whilst George was holding the Marauder's Map.

"So what's the plan?" says Charlie curiously as he hands Katie a cup of tea and quickly makes some for the twins.

"Okay so we want to do a simple prank for now" says Fred.

"A few dungbombs in his office at night should be enough" says George.

"And you need us to distract Filch" says Katie.

"Yeah but how? We need to keep him civil. I don't want you to get in trouble, love." says Charlie as he shoots Katie a worried look.

"Glad you asked, mate" says George.
Fred pulls out a vial out of his pocket. It contained a dark blue liquid.

"What's that?" asks Katie.

"Our newest creation" says Fred.

" It makes the drinker sick for 24 hours" says George.

"Okay so I drink it. Then what?" asks Katie, worried about the contents of the vial.

"You're not drinking that!" says Charlie, worried about the girl's health.

"It's okay, Charlie. A day of school is worth the sacrifice. Besides, I'm ahead of the rest of my class so I won't be missing anything." Says Katie.

"Besides, we can easily ask about what they did during the lessons and we show her how. We did them last year." Says Fred confidently.

"If not, Ang and Alicia would know for sure so they'll show her" says George.

"Fine. So she drinks it and then what? How is that going to catch Filch's attention? In fact, knowing him, he'll gladly cuff her just for being outside of bed." Says Charlie.

"You can carry me and tell him you're taking me to the hospital wing. He might even offer to lift me to the Hospital Wing if you say that I'm getting too heavy" says Katie.

"Brilliant! Do exactly that" says Fred whilst he writes down the plan on a piece of parchment he brought with him.

"We have this map to show u exactly where he is" says George whilst showing them the Marauder's Map.

"This is so cool" says Katie as she sees the labelled dots moving on the map.

"So it's settled then" says Charlie.

"Let the shenanigans begin!" say the twins in unison.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2020 ⏰

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