February; Chapter 9

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New York:

A woman with strawberry blond hair is sitting at a dining table nervously bouncing her knee and drumming her fingers in the table. Approaching the table with two steaming mugs is a tall man. He sits a cup down on front of the woman then takes a seat beside her. He places his hand over hers to still her restless fingers and squeezes gently. The woman breathes deeply and is slightly calmer.
The doorbell rings startling them both, the man gets up to answer the door. When he walks back to the table he isn’t alone there is another gentlemen, he’s older early to mid-sixties. Both men take a seat at the table before greetings are exchanged.

“Hello Dani, how’ve you been?” The older gentleman says his voice rough and raspy. Dani breathes deeply again. “Well that really depends on what you have for us Tony”. Tony chuckles and places a folder on the table and slides it towards Dani. Dani looks at the folder then slides it beside her. “Hunter you look first, I can’t do it” Hunter slides the folder back in front of her. “You can and you will”. Holding on to Hunters hand tightly Dani flips open the folder and freezes. Dani is staring at the contents of the folder. “It’s him Dani” Tony says. Dani looks up with tears in her eyes and smiles brightly. Releasing his hand from Dani’s grip, Hunter begins to take the papers and pictures out from the folder and examines them.
“All his contact information is in there, I know how important it was to you that you contact him yourself so I’ll just leave you two to it” Tony explains as he starts to stand. Hunter go’s to do the same to show Tony out but Tony stops him insisting he finish looking at the pictures. Dani dashes the tears that have run down her face “Thank you so much Tony”
“It was a pleasure doing business with you” Tony shows himself out as Dani and Hunter continue to go through the contents of the folder.

Hunter reads through the information sheet, finds his business number and asks, “Should I call?” Dani snaps out of her state of awe and snatches Hunters phone off the table.
“No! I wanna do it” Hunter had already dialed the number all Dani had to do is press send. Dani gets up and walks into the other room. The phone rings once, twice, three times then someone answers.
“Grey House, How may I help you?” The voice is younger and clearly a woman’s.
“Hello, I would like to speak with Christian Grey”
“One moment please, I’ll transfer you to his personal assistant”
“Thank you” There’s a click then beautiful classical music begins to play. A few seconds later another female answers the phone.
“Mr. Grey’s office, how may I help you?”
“Yes, I would like to make an appointment to see Mr. Grey as soon as possible”
“And your name”
“Calloway, Daniela Calloway”
“Okay thank you Ms.Calloway and what is this concerning?”
“It’s a personal matter”
“Okay his next available opening is March 23rd, will that work for you?”

Dani’s mouth falls a gape. “March?! I’m afraid that’s not going to work the matter at hand is time sensitive.”
“My apologies Ms.Calloway but that is the earliest Mr. Grey is available, if anything in Mr. Grey’s schedule opens up any sooner I will let you know”
“Okay thank you so much um….”
“Ah yes thank you Andrea”
“Not a problem Ms.Calloway may I have your telephone number to contact you if anything opens up sooner?”
“Sure its 212-555-4071”
“Thank you Ms.Calloway I’ll be in touch”
“Thank you again Andrea, goodbye”
Dani walks back into the dining room to a pacing Hunter.
“So how did it go” Hunter inquires stopping mid pace.
“His next opening is in March” Hunter eyes widen in disbelief.
“Well what are we going to do this can’t wait that long, time is against us”
“I know…. I know, let me think”

Dani begins to pace, on one of her paces something on the table catches her eye. A photo and an idea pops into her head, she stops and whirls around to where Hunter has taken a seat.
“Can you get time off like tomorrow?”
“Yea I have a few sick days I haven’t used yet, why what are you plotting over there”
“A surprise visit to his wife”
“Is that a wise move Dani? I mean you can’t just pop up on their door step and be like, hey I have some earth shattering news to tell you may I come in!?”
“I know Hunter, let’s see if we can call her and talk then if she believes us we can meet in person”
Hunter runs his hand through his hair and blows out a deep breath.

He walks over to the table and hands Dani one of the papers; Dani sits back at the table and dials the number. She puts the phone on speakerphone, it rings a few times before a woman answers.
“Thank you for calling Grey Publishing this is Hannah, how may I assist you?”
“Hello Hannah, I was wondering if I could speak with Mrs. Grey.”
“One moment I’ll see if she’s available. May I ask whose calling?”
“Daniela Calloway”
“And what is the nature of this call may I ask?”
“It’s a personal matter concerning her husband”
“One moment Ms. Calloway”
The phone clicks and smooth jazz music begins to play as she waits.

Ana is curled up on the love seat in her office engrossed in one of her best-selling authors’ manuscripts when her intercom buzzes and she jumps at the noise.
“Ana you have a call from a Ms. Calloway, it’s concerning Christian” At the mention of Christian, Ana begins to worry as she searches her memory and tries to recall a Calloway.
She makes her way to her desk, buzzing back Ana tells Hannah to put the call through.
“Ana Grey” Dani and Hunter exchange a look.
“Hello Mrs. Grey my name is Daniela Calloway”
“Hello Mrs. Calloway you said this was concerning my husband?”
“Has something happened to him”
“No…. well not to my knowledge, I was wondering if I could ask you a question; she pauses to take a breath, about your husband” Ana breathes a sigh of relief.
“Are you a reporter?”
“No… no I just have one question, was your husbands’ biological mothers name Ella Matthews by chance?”

The line goes silent for what seems like forever, Dani looks at Hunter worry and desperation etched on her face.
“Mrs. Grey?” Ana snaps out of her frozen state at the mention of Christian’s biological mothers’ name.
“I’m sorry but why is that information of importance?”
“Because if that was her name there is a strong likelihood that your husband is…..”
“Is what?!”
“My long lost brother.”

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