Chapter 1

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"Come down all of you its time for dinner" said aunt Rosie i mentally groan the only good food they give us is pasta, and its Sunday so its gonna be good somehow and the plus mark is were having a visitor. So aunt Rosie is gonna act fairly nice cause their adopting a five year old jenny so she has to be on her best behavior for the reputation of orphanage.

Actually she is a good kid, Unlike the rest like Jason and his gang that guy is only fifteen years old but he is the biggest jerk I've ever meet minus James aunt Rosie useless boyfriend,i can still remember how tried talking me into having sex with him suggesting we meet up in the basement which is gross and everything entirely is gross

"People like Jason and i don't have hope here, cause no one wants to adopt someone from eleven years and above, cause they think were to old"

"My case is impossible they consider me as an old lady, aunt Rosie has already come to the fact that i will never be adopted which i see reasons with, i'm just so unfortunate all my friends that we were here together have all been adopted ages ago.

Even my best friend sander and crush although he doesn't know was adopted seven years ago i really hope to see him again, i really miss him he is the only guy i talked to and played with in this orphanage.

" The annoying fact is if a rich man comes and wants to buy me aunt Rosie will practically do it actually i have always taught a point will come and she will want to use me as a prostitute I'm surprised she never did it not like i want it I'm just wandering my point is she will do anything to get raid of me..

"I have always known she never liked me from the start, i don't know why but i always wandered what i did to deserve this natural hatred she had for me. Which i think is increasing everyday to make her to stop my studies recently,

i know i do my best but she stopped me without any reasons thanks to lily who still buys some textbooks for me with her salary that i study with without aunt Rosie knowing, or else.

She always look for a way to shout at me with that boyfriend of hers who hate me cause i refused to fuck him like those under girls so he to tries to blame for and smirks when he does so which i find disgusting so i practically do all the work around except cooking that's lily job but at times i do it for her when she is not around.

"Astrid where are you dear your food is getting cold which she added with a laughter" then i added my own fake laughter am coming aunt Rosie be down in a minute then i quickly sprinted down the stairs not wanting any trouble this night with that witch.

Dinner went smoothly, with aunt Rosie fake character and also the way James was eye raping the wife of the man who was obviously exchanging some reaction under the table since i was the only one that noticed i just kept quiet cause the other children sat on the other dinning table.

"Only me aunt Rosie, James and the couple also with jenny sat on this one. Then i decided to see what they were doing which was mistake cause James hands were going higher into the ladies gown till it got to the final destination i rather not mention. Then i noticed the lady stifled a moan by covering it up with a cheap!!!

"The dinner finally came to an end which i was so grateful cause i was tired of seeing James fingering this lady who will want to moan instead will cough how can anyone not notice this".

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2020 ⏰

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