Three years later

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"Come on Zack get your shoes on," I say while he is sitting on the stairs with tony "our child is just like you won't do it unless they want to", tony sighs "if this is about last night  argument in when we have sex,i swear to god tony," I reply "I don't understand why we can't have sex all of the time like the old times without you saying oh tony I'm not in the mood or maybe another day .we haven't had sex with each other since Zack turned three Whitch was almost three and a half months ago," tony says sitting up "mommy what is sex?" Zack asks in his cute little voice " is when two people love each other very much and then they g- ," tony gets cut off by me "if you are a boy or a girl," I say giving tony a death stare . "What I was just telling him what he needs to know," he says playfully rolling his eyes. "Ok...... we can have sex when Zack is in bed." I whisper and he smirks and does the yess thing pulling his fist down (If you know what I mean). We are going to the park today to see family and also I had a vlog camera in my bag because I had a video plan for today while his family were here so what I am going to do is message him saying dirty things of what I am going to do to him tonight so then can get all hyped up about tonight. so when we were on our way there Zack wanted to go to McDonald's so when we were in there I pretended I was doing a vlog for the start of the video so he wouldn't suspect I am doing anything wrong "hey ya'll it's Addison and today we are just going to do a vlog because today is going to be a very long day due to the fact that we are going to go see family such as Xavier,ondreaz, Tony's parents and my parents we are going to have a small gathering at the park also go for a little walk so yeah we are right now at McDonald's with tony and Zack about to drive to our destination so we can meat everyone," I say at the Camera
Skip to the park/walk
"I rlly think both of our boys are getting along," tony says to Xavier while the children are playing on the slide. " looks like they are," Xavier chuckles. Because we are all together I decided to get the small camera out and whisper to it to say what I am going to do
A:hey baby tonight we are gonna fuck so hard I won't be able to walk in the morning and I am gonna suck in your dick till you moan so loud you will wake the whole street up.
T:woah bby just wait till I rip all of your clothes off and leave hickeys from your neck to your feet and eat you out till your bone dry
A: jeez babe you rlly think you are gonna be the one in control just wait till we get home I am getting u on that bed and hopefully when u leave it there will be a mark
T: the only place there will be a mark is your skin now I am gonna make u cum multiple times I am gonna fuck you that hard the neighbours will knock on our door with a noise complaint.
A: ok baby you know your serious about this tonight xx
T: urr ye
A: this is a going on YouTube sorry
A: yess
T:your gonna get punished for this later

Looks like there is going to be a sex scene in the next chapter lol

Lopez brothers ~2~ 🚁✈️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt