Period Tips 💋

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Warning Chapter Contains TMI🚫

A females menstrual cycle usually lasts up to 2-7 days, sometimes females with medical conditions experience longer monthly menstrual cycles.

Throughout, the cravings, acne, stomach complications, cramps, nausea, mood swings, & fatigue.

Hey pretties, it's me Princess! I'm here to provide you ladies tips to live somewhat comfortable on your menstrual cycle👑

(Ladies, I understand sometimes our cycle are never friendly with us. At times we don't want to get out of bed, sometimes we experience constant PMS. Sometimes we are sick & in pain, we don't want to pamper ourselves constantly, we don't feel motivated to accomplish anything. It's alright, we are women.

I'm sending love, light & strength to all females, because our job is hard, many people don't understand that our daily life is extremely challenging. However, we're blessed with strength to get up & show up no matter how hard things our in life, that we cannot discuss with anyone. So I'm sending, much love & support to all my ladies💖)

1. Purchase affordable & good chlorine-free or organic cotton menstrual products. They sell a lot at your local drug store, especially online I highly recommend this site LOLA. I use chlorine-free pads. I don't use tampons often ladies, I don't like having anything up in my lady area‼️

Organic pads & tampons offer a safer feminine hygiene product option, both for the women who use them, and the environment.
Organic cotton pads & tampons are free of chemical additives, don't contain harmful deodorants, & are chlorine-free, pesticide-free, & fragrance-free.

Menstrual Pads (I'm currently using, ever since I've purchased this I've had zero to no issues)- $4

Menstrual Pads (I'm currently using, ever since I've purchased this I've had zero to no issues)- $4✨

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2. Increase your intake on water & eat clean during your cycle! Ladies, I cannot stress this enough, I've totally cut out excessive amounts of sugar, caffeine & unhealthy foods to improve my eating habits & also help me with my cycle. Not everyday I stick to my current eating routine, I'm human I crave things like everyone else girl!😹

The water I'm currently drinking is Alkaline PH water for only $1 at my local grocery store. During my cycle I like to drink detox & chamomile caffeine-free tea, prepare home cooked meals & take my medication (Midol) 💊

3. Practice yoga & light workouts to help your muscles & reduce menstrual cramp pain. You can discover workout videos on YouTube. I love to participate in a yoga activity during my cycle🏃🏾‍♀️

4. Pamper yourself, ladies take the time to take care of yourself during your period. Our bodies are producing a lot of changes & making adjustments. Our hormones begin to change, as well as our skin. We tend to experience facial breakouts, frequent fatigue & mood swings during our menstrual cycle. It is important to take care of yourself. If you want to put on a facial mask, cuddle with your partner, eat your favorite food, do your nails, cook, meditate, pray, listen to music, watch your favorite movie, read a book, etc.


5. Hygiene, keeping yourself & your lady area clean during your period is extremely important. (Remember: Cleanliness is next to Godliness🙏🏾👑)

I shower once a day with lukewarm water. I use my favorite soap Dr.Bronners, I've featured a couple of times in my chapters. You can find this soap at your local drugstore or grocery store infused with a lot of benefits. I wash my private areas with a PH balanced feminine wash, ONLY on my cycle‼️

During the summer time we're experiencing minimal to extreme heat, this can cause our vaginas to produce sweat that can cause bacteria. It is important to keep your vaginal area shaved, trimmed or waxed, to limit hair growth that'll trap in bacteria, that'll cause vaginal problems ladies.

Tip: Keep mini emergency feminine products in your purse, gym bag, travel bag, handbag, etc. This is highly effective in a females everyday life, ladies

When wiping your area, please wipe from front to back every time you use the bathroom, especially on your menstrual cycle.

Change your used menstrual products every 4-6 hours. I change my used menstrual products every time I use the restroom. If there's leaking involved, I always have a spare underwear‼️

Also, Wear breathable cotton underwear during your cycle & after, I personally don't wear lace panties, or thongs anymore. Because, wearing them on a daily basis can easily put your vagina at risk of a minor infection. My personal opinion I believe those type of panties are sexy panties, girl which means you wear them & your partner is supposed to make them off okay! They ain't supposed to be staying on girl💁🏾‍♀️ 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter lovelies. Please, stay stafe during these times in our world. I'm sending love & light to all my baddies this summer! Thank you 💖

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