Moving in

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His grandmother had died and soon enough he had felt alone. He had been raised by his grandmother. They had rules in place that he didn't understand. They were to strict, and they acted like they raised him. They always had dinner parties which left him alone in his room. He would hate these days, he couldn't have fancy food like he was aloud usually. 

He was often invited to dinner parties with people his age, but they were always stuck up and spoiled. They lived a life so grand, while he only wanted his grandmother. His mother was bragging about his high grades and his overall school life. He never really liked when they bragged about him. 

'Don't act like you raised me' he would say when they bragged about him. He transferred schools to one his parents approved of. The school he went to was 'too commoner'. His parents were rather rich, they ran a well known company. Many had know known the famous company  owner's had a son.

The news had spread quickly, interviewers had wanted interviews. When they got the interviews they were surprised to find out he was raised by his grandmother. Soon enough he started school, the people there were all fake and spoiled. After just walking in the school some of the girls stared and whispered. 

'Oh look how handsome he is'  'hes the sons of those (company name) owners's' 'I wonder why he looks so depressed'. The whispers became louder as he felt eyes looking at him from all around him. He hadn't taken his grandmother dying well. He scanned the halls glaring at them all. 

His first day went by rather quickly, quick glares here and there. His first lesson had been math he was getting glances from other students. He was the only one who was paying attention during the lesson. It was lunch he was annoyed with the stares, girls would try and talk to him. What I mean by that is they would walk up to him and flirt with him.

He hated everything in that school from the students and staff members to the terrible treatment to certain students. Months went by and he still had gotten no attention from his parents and had made no friends. He was making meals for himself most nights. His parents had been working non-stop since they discovered some scientific machine. 

When they had dinner together they made small talk, but it was rare now a days. He had completely shut himself away from the world. Weeks had passed for him again and soon he found friends or that's what he thought they were. They had originally wanted to be friends with him for the access to his parents company.

They had quickly changed the plan when his parents offered money to do something (You'll find out later). They planned for 2 weeks on how to do the something his parents asked. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2020 ⏰

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