The start of the journey

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     One thousand one, One thousand two, One thousand three, I counted in my head. I was doing sit ups.  When I got to One thousand and five, I stopped. I was lying on the floor in a ball of sweat , ten minutes before I go on set. I quickly got up, showered and only put blush on. I quickly ran downstairs. I was going to be a little late to the meeting with the losers club. Well...the cast of the losers club. I hopped in my car and drove to the restaurant we were meeting at. I decided that I would only eat a total of 600kcal. Yep, that sounds right. I can just burn it off later, I thought as I pulled up to the restaurant.  As I walked, I saw Finn wave to me.

"How's it going Jenna?" he asked me. "Pretty good,Pretty good" I replied. "Where are the others?" I asked. "Idk probably in the bathroom" And with that, the rest of the cast came out of the bathroom. They sat down in the booth we were sitting in, me being in the middle of Jack and Jaeden. The waiter came over and asked if we were ready to order. We all said yes. I'm so scared...everything on this menu is over the calorie limit.  Just throw it up when you're finished, the voice said again...


word count 230


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