part 1

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Kammy was the badest chick you would ever know, but kammy also was a sneaky hoe. She was the type of chick that would date u and get all she can out of u then leave u. well one day she met this guy name jace, jace was a big time drug dealer and the owner of a night club called ACE he had everything he ever wanted except a woman to share it with, but jace also had a dark past. They hooked up and 3months went by kammy fell inlove she wasn't expecting it to go that far, but jace was to charming and showed her things know other man have but jace still havent told her about his past. One night they were at kammy's house and jace got a phone call he immediately jumped up and ran out the door kammy confused and yelling out "baby what's wrong" jace couldnt respond he then got in his car and left speeding trying to get to the person who called him. Jace finally got there he got out the car and walked up to this big white house and proceeded to open the door, but when he opened the door he was stunned to see his best friend messing around with a guy. The guy was well known and he knew jace very well. jace yelled out "wtf is this shit" his bestfriend feeling ashamed and stuttering trying to get his words out saying "bruhh it.. it's not what it seem." jace then proceeded to pull his gun out. Mean while kammy still confused and trying to figure out whats going on, she grabbed her purse and keys then went to go find him. After calling his phone several times and driving around she finally came across his car, she then parked her car and waited to see if anything was happening. Mean while jace got his gun out clowning his bestfriend about being bisexual then said "my right hand man can't be no bitch" all of a sudden POW!. POW!. POW!. three shots now his bestfriend is dead. Jace then turned to the guy and said "thanks For telling me what was up you can't trust a nigga with secrets." the guy looked at jace and said "you welcome

but i still want what we discussed. " jace said indeed! Now back to kammy she heard the gun shots and grabbed her gun from her purse she then got out the car and walked up the house she turned the door knob and proceeded in immediately she jumped scared of what she was seeing. Jace grabbed her arm and told her she shouldnt be there in shock she stood there staring at the dead body not noticing the other guy. Welp here's where the story gets deep. The guy jumped up and grabbed his gun pointed it at kammy and said "i finally caught up to u bitch" kammy looked at him then pointed her gun at him and said "ytf is you looking for me?" The guy proceeded to say "you dated a guy a year ago by the name of jerome and took everything he had and broke his heart he was so hurt by it that he killed himself..." kammy interrupted and said "well who are you and who was he to you??" The guy said " im tyrome he was my twin brother you dumb bitch and i swore on his grave i would find you and i will kill you!" Jace looked at kammy then shook his head kammy looking shocked said "you can't blame that on me he knew i wasn't ready for... " POW!!... one shot to the head now kammy is dead! Tyrome said sighing and feeling relieved "finally my brother can rest in peace" jace looked at t

yrome and said "we did it, we got her ass good" tyrome looked at jace smiling and said "yes big brother WE DID!"

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