The beginning..

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Author's note- Hey guys! If you're reading my other book than you know that this is the story I was talking about. So I've had this story idea for awhile since June of 2020. But I was busy with my Black Clover story. So without further ado let's get started with the story. P.S isn't demon Meliodas sexy as hell😍

Over 3,000 years ago before the Holy War first began

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Over 3,000 years ago before the Holy War first began... In the demon realm there lays the Demon King, his children and his minions....

Hayami POV- For as long as I could remember I've had always been alone. No mother or father to help me in this dark realm, the demon realm. As I got older I realized that I didn't look like the low level demons. I was grey or red I looked more human so to speak and I had more power. But I couldn't control this power within me. But one day I tried and my power got outta of control, I destroyed most of the area around me.

It got so bad that the Demon King came and stopped me. He held me in his giant hand and spoke "How dare you cause so much destruction?!" I was very afraid for my life. "I was only trying to control my power I didn't mean for any of this to happen!" He was silent only for a moment. "That may be true but you still have to pay for this sin you've committed this day! You shall become my first son's servant!" I couldn't believe my ears to become some prince servant out of all things to become. But I knew I had to atone for my sin.

So without any argument I agreed "Yes your majesty as you wish." After some time we arrived at the castle it was very big and dark. We had landed and he finally put me down. We walked to the main hall where I seen two boys standing by the thrown. As we walked closer I could see both were short but at the same time they're both were taller than me.

The king went to sit on his throne, the two boys both turned to him. The one with the blonde hair spoke "Father did you discover what was causing that high power level? Also who is this girl? Yes son I did and you're looking at the cause." He pointed to me and the blonde who I now know is one of the princes looked at me along with the black hair boy who looked just like him. "Are you sure father? She looks weak" said the one with black hair. "Yes Zeldris and for the destruction she caused she will serve your older brother Meliodas." The one called Meliodas walked towards me and grabbed me by chin "So this is my new play thing? Thank you father I'll take good care of her." He had a smirk on his face and I couldn't help but blush.

And that's how Hayami met Meliodas little did she know how much love and pain would come to crush her.

Author's note- Hey hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter even though it was short. But don't forget to comment & vote! And check out my Black Clover story!! Bye!

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