Chapter 10: Mystery house

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The next day morning, Emily gets up early and goes down to help her mother with the household chores. It's Saturday and she doesn't have college as today is the football finals. So, she has the whole day to help her parents. It is 7 in the morning and Emily makes breakfast for Ana and Mike as they have no day off at work even during Saturdays. Then, she goes to the backyard and helps her dad with the shed that he is repairing. It was initially designed to have cattle in it but as Emily's family doesn't have any, they planned on turning it into a guest room. Emily's father has already finished the bathroom with the help of a local plumber and the living room is almost over. They have finished building it but painting and other decoration works are pending. So, Emily's father takes Emily and Christian to the market nearby their home. They go into a paint shop and buy 3 different colors of paint, some lights, hooks, holders and racks. By the time they come out, it was 9 in the morning. Ring Ring rings Emily's phone. It is an unknown number and she picks the call. It is Beca asking her whether they are going to find Mrs. Katherine. Emily says,

"Okay come home. We'll go there by 11 and we'll have to report to work after we come. But Beca I've to be at my college by 3 as my friends are having their final football match" and hangs the call.

Beca reaches Emily's home at sharp 11 and they take a bus. All the way to that place, they are talking about the things they have missed on each other's life. When Emily and Beca get down from the bus, everyone inside the bus murmured about something which creeps both the girls. So, they get down and enter the street. The whole street feels as if they have entered the forbidden land. The climate suddenly changes and it is gloomy. A chill wave of breeze passes the girls which makes the place creepy. The girls find the address and go near the house. But when they open the gate, there is a dreadful smell. They look up at the house and there is no trace of human living in that house. The driveway is full of dried leaves that hasn't been cleaned in a long time. They look at each other terrified.

"Em, do you think it's a good idea to go in? I mean look at the gate. It looks haunted. I don't think Mrs. Katherine or anyone for that matter lives here. Let's go", says Beca

"No. We came all this way to find something. I won't go without finding something. And you have to be brave Beca. I'm here. Just follow my lead. Let's go to the porch", says Emily and walks towards the porch.

They climb the 2 steps and see a lot of packages on the door. So, Emily goes near the door and rings the doorbell. They wait there for 2 minutes and no one shows up at the door. Impatiently, Beca picks one of the packages on porch. The name on the package is written as Mr. Nelson Williamson. Beca shows this to Emily and says,

"Em look. Does this ring any bells?"

"Wait. Hold on. Mrs Katherine's name is Katherine Williamson. Maybe this is her deceased husband or father?"

"Father? That doesn't make any sense. You said that she might be connected to the Bates family. How can she be a Williamson?"

"I'm not sure. Take a picture of this. I'll look at the rest of the boxes", says Emily and picks the other boxes. The girls take a picture of the name and address on all the boxes. There are a few dozens of empty milk cans outside the house which spells awful. The girls look under the mat and the pots for a key but their attempt fails. So, the step down from the door and go around the house to find an opening into the house. All the doors and windows are completely shut but there is a small opening to the attic which could fit a man inside. Emily looks around and finds a secret door on the ground covered with leaves and roots.

"Beca, look here. There is an underground door. Do you wanna find what's in it?"

"No. It looks creepy. Let's go Em", says Beca but Emily doesn't listen to her and goes to open that door. Suddenly, they hear a glass bottle breaking down. So, they run towards the front of the house to see what it is. But to their surprise, there is nothing out there. They look around to see if there is anyone there but they couldn't find even one soul there. Out of nowhere, a black cat jumps on Beca and she screams her throat off and pushes that cat to the ground. Immediately, Emily turns and picks the poor cat which Beca scares. Emily looks into the cat's eyes and is scared at the moment. She puts the cat down and as soon as she does that, a cold breeze pushes her into the front yard of the house.

"Em, Em?? What happened?", asks Beca seeing Emily horror stuck. Emily jerks off for a second and says,

"Let's look at the mailbox. Maybe we can find something there" and walks towards the mailbox. Thy take one mail out of the box and find the dates in inside it. The girls are shocked to see the dates as the mail is a year old and it is addressed to Mr Nelson Williamson. With horror struck, the girls take all the mails to see if all are addressed to Mr Nelson Williamson. To their terrifying thoughts, all are addressed to Mr Nelson Williamson. Suddenly, they feel as if they are being watched. So, they take all the mails and get out of the house. They walk down the street towards the bus stop. Out of blue, a little girl's comes in front of them and asks,

"Hi. Do you want to bury the body?

Both Emily and Beca are petrified hearing those words come out of the little girl's mouth. So, Emily asks,

"Hi there. What do you mean? To bury a body?". 

The little girl points her finger at something behind the girls. The girls turn immediately and see no one behind them. When the turn back towards the little girl, she disappears without a trace. Emily and Beca turn around to see where she went but they can't find her. Spooked, the girls rush towards the bus stop and board their bus towards Emily's home. But what they don't know is that they are being watched and followed. All the way back home, they try to figure who is living there and who Mr Nelson Williamson is. They try googling his name and they find a picture under which it is written deceased 2 years ago. Nothing else is recorded about him. The girls are confused and afraid and don't know what to do. They go straight to Emily's home and go to her room. They start searching for more details but couldn't find them. It is 2 in the afternoon when they come home. So, they immediately hide the letters in Emily's room and go to their work to report this to Amanda. They don't know that they are being followed back home. A black SUV follows them and is parked 10 blocks behind Emily's house. The girls rush into Amanda's room and tell her about everything that happened. Amanda listens patient and hands them their work laptops with a few folders.

"These folders contain confidential information about the Bates family that Mr Smith wanted you to know. Keep it safe and don't lose it. If there is something so urgent that you need to come to me or Mr Smith, first call me and we'll meet somewhere private that no one follows or tracks you. This is kinda serious matter girls. Here are your gadgets. In this box, you'll have tracking devices, 2 mini cameras, a taser and a few stuffs for self-defense. Be careful. Watch out or each other. Okay?", says Amanda and hands them the things. 

The girls get them and go to Emily's house to keep the things safe. When Emily looks at the clock, it's 3 and she downstairs.

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