A long day!

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-Princeton POV-

When I woke up, I started to freak out. Then I started to clam down when I noticed I was I the hospital. I tried to get of the bed but my foot hurts like hell! When I finally had the courage, I got up and started to walk towards the door, when a nurse came in the room and told me to sit down. After the nurse gave me some machine, I started to feel light headed and starting to drift off to sleep. After a few mintues of waking up.... again. The doctor was telling me something, that I was obviously wasn't paying mind to. Until something he said caught me mind.

"So Mr.Perez. You will have to take these two pills everyday." The doctor said.

"Wait! What!?" I said catching on to what he said. "I'm sorry but I don't take pills."

"Well. You might want to get used to it because if you don't want your tissues in your leg to rip, then you might as well take them." The doctor said while shoving the pills in my hand and walking out.

After the doctor left I gathered my things and started to walk out the hospital.

-Summer POV-

Well I had no type of sleep last night. All I did was cry and think of what my life would be like without my sister and mother. When I finally got myself together, I got up and walked up to the phone and dialed the hospital number. The same lady that had called me answered the phone.

"Hi, my name is Summer Valentine and I am so sorry for hanging up on you. But I just couldn't keep focus when you told me that me mom and sister had been in an accident." I said.

"Oh its okay sweetie. But I never got to tell you the good news. Do you wanna hear it?" She said.

"Um. Yes please." I said nervously.

"Okay so the good news is that your mom and sister are fine. They are still alive. But they still haven't woken up yet, but they'll be fine." The lady said.

"Omg thank you so much! I will be there in a few mintues." I said.

"Okay Bye!"

With that I just hanged up. I got up took a shower and brushed my teeth then I went into my closet and pulled out a baggy tights with my black plain strapless vest (side picture). When I was done I took the bus to the hostipal because I obviously have no one to take me. When I got to the hospital I got out the bus and went inside.

"Hi My name is Summer Valentine and I am here to see my mother." I said while walking up to the counter.

"Hi. I am the lady you talked to on the phone." She said.

"Oh ok. But what room is my mother at?" I said impatient.

"She's in room 214" the lady said.

"Thanks" I said running towards the elavator.

While I was running down the hall I saw Princeton coming out of a hospital room. He kept calling my name but I just ignored him, I have no time for him right now. When I got into the elavator, it went straight to my mom's floor. I came out the elavator and walked towards my mom's room. I stood infront of the door wondering if I am ready to see my mom. When I got my act together I went into the room. I sat in the chair next to her.

"Hey mom. Even if you don't hear me. I love you" I said starying to tear up. "Thanks for everything you have done for me. You are the best mom I vould ever think of. Anyone will love to have you as their mom. So mom please just please pull through."

After visiting my mom, i went to see my sister. To my surprise she was awake, when I was done I just went home to relax. My aunt will be picking my up tomorrow because I can't stay home alone. So I started to packed all my clothes and belongings that I will need. After packing I collapsed on my bed and fell into a deep sleep.

It was a long day!


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