Talking of sorts

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I smirked at how weird they looked.

"Does that answer your question?" I asked.

The kids looked at each other in awe, then nodded.

"What I don't understand is why didn't he check if you were really a mutant?" Sapphire pointed out.

I shrugged, "It happened to fast to remember every detail." I explained.

"Huh." Sapphire snorted.

"Well, Sapph, what are we going to do about this non-mutant?" Mason asked his sister.

Sapphire seemed to ponder this a lot, thinking out loud in the process.

"Well we can't just let her go, 'cause then the FBI will look for her and the mutant she was mistaken for, then they'll both be in trouble and we don't want that. Plus if they're both captured then they'll both be experimented on." Sapphire seemed to still be thinking by the end of her little rant.

"Anything else we could do?" I ask.

Mason shook his head, "No because there isn't anything else we could do besides let you go where everyone else is."

I tilt my head, "With the mutants?"

Mason nods, "There's nothing else we can do to help you."

"Plus the Agent is gunna come pretty soon." Sapphire adds.

"Agent Sparks right?" I ask. This time Sapphire nods.

Then she smiles a little, "He's the only one that actually cares about whether or not you die." She says.

I smile inside, "Maybe James isn't so bad after all," I think.

The door opens and Agent Sparks walks through. When he sees me on the table fully recovered, he seems to smile to himself, but he hides it really well.

Sorry it's short but they've been pretty long if I do say so myself. :) enjoying it?

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2015 ⏰

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