Chapter 1

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Today I walked to school...with a pillow around my neck. People started questioning why a middle schooler was walking around with a neck pillow, but hey I'm just catching up on lost sleep. Training has been hell this past month, I mean is it a must to attend this 'U.A'? "Y/N-san!" I heard someone shout out to me from up ahead. I was squinting to see who it was cause I'm blind as a bat. Wait..jk I'm just tired haha. Anyway, my eyes caught a fluff of green, and I immediately knew who it was. "Good morning Izu-Kun," I greeted with a smile. He gave me one of his glorious, gracious, blinding, sunshine smiles with a small greeting, "yeah, good morning," he said back. 'You can't tell
me he isn't the reason the sun rises every morning' I thought as we had small convos as we walked to school.


As we reached our classroom, I said bye to Izuku as I made a beeline to my seat and laid my head down on the table. We are in the same class, but I need to sleep at least a little before loud ass- oop- sorry, excuse my language...I need to get some sleep before hedgehog boi shows up. I closed my eyes and laid my head on the table, but no for long bich- Bakuhoe Katsuki barged in looking like a thug with a weird does he walk like that? Anyway, he stomps his way up to the seat next to mine and roughly sat down. "Gud mornin' Katsuki," I said as he replied with a little 'hn' and a nod. Now, don't get me wrong, Katsuki and I are friends even though we swear at each other like sailors. He's just too loud sometimes and it gets annoying. But other than that we pretty chill.


"You're all third years now, and should be thinking of your future," said Mr. I don't know his name, "but who cares anyway? I know you all want to go to the hero course!" he exclaimed throwing the papers in the air while everyone started showing off their weird quirks. "Pfft...hey teach don't lump me with these bunch of extras, I'm gonna go to U.A and become the greatest hero! Even better than All Might and I'm gonna go down in history," wow cocky much, Katsuki? And why's he standing on the table? "Hey, that was uncalled for!" "Yeah! What gives, Bakugou?" Do these kids get any louder? Honestly..."Oh, that's right. Didn't Midoriya and (l/n) want to get into U.A as well?" 'Oop- R.I.P Izu-cute...the class went quiet when suddenly, "pFfT- Midoriya!? No way they'd let a quirkless loser like you in!" "Yea! yea! And (l/n), you're better off being a villain" some idiots shout. 'Ugh, Izuku has a better chance at being a hero than any of these idiots. And-and I'm not a villain, I'm gonna be a hero and prove you all wrong...' my thought were cut off by a loud explosion a few tables behind, I turned around and found Izuku on the floor and Katsuki threateningly standing in front of him. "Haaah? Deku, you're even worse than these worthless extras, you're quirkless. You can't just get in with good grades. "He glared at him. 'Dang, thank god that's not me, ah! But I feel bad for Izuku...I'll buy him ice cream during the weekend' "I-I-I-I never know until I try," Izuku replies, "and they got rid of that rule!" This just seemed to anger Bakubitch some more. "Try!? You think this is some game?" He suddenly turned to me, "and you!" I froze and stared him dead in the eye, "me?"
"Don't get in my way..." he says quietly. I blink stupidly for some time. "Oi Katsuki!" The teacher's voice brings me back to reality, "get back in your seat. And Izuku, you can go to the storage room later for a different table. Also, guys please stop using your quirks in school it's not allowed and I'll end up getting in trouble." Everyone just nodded.


I was on my way back home. Izuku and I don't walk home together because I usually meet up with Tomura after school. Although Tomura is a villain we've been close friends since that day...

I just finished playing at the park and was headed home when I heard soft crying from an alleyway nearby. Obviously out of curiosity I went to check it out, I found a boy a few years or more older than me. I didn't know if he was dangerous but...why's he crying? He looked alone, and like he had no home. Maybe he's hungry? I had a few candies in my pocket, so I quietly pull them out and set them on the ground. I noticed his head raised, so I drop them on the floor as I quickly ran away. I hope he sees them and eats them.


I heard the sound of shuffling at the end of the alleyway. I scoffed as it was probably the rats rummaging in the garbage. As I raised my head to chase them away, I caught a glimpse of (h/c) hair. What the!? I looked back to where they were standing and notice a few candies. Did they leave them there for me? I just thought they probably fell out of heir pocket as they ran away so I shrugged and ate them.

*time skip to the next day*

I went to the park again today and noticed on my way back home that the same boy was still there and in the same position as yesterday. I was hoping he'd be there, cause I brought a sandwich I asked my mom to make. She asked me why, and I just told her I wanted a snack to eat at the park. I crept up to the boy as I slowly dropped the sandwich there and again ran away. He was wearing the same clothes as yesterday...hmm~

I heard the sound of quick footsteps like someone was running away. I whipped my head up to catch the culprit only to find a...sandwich? Does this person keep coincidentally dropping food?! no, they wouldn't give food to someone like me...would they?

*time skipp*
The next day I took some leftover pancakes from breakfast but I had to pack them in a container. I grabbed a (sticky note)? And scribbled on it with a messy handwriting
"Pleese giv me bac my contaynur, ill pik it up in an our.
also I got yoo a sweter!"
I wrote as I stuck it on the container. I grabbed one of my dad's old sweaters which probably don't even fit him anymore, and went on my way. This time I went there early cause I needed the container back, heh I'm a smart kid. I sneaked next to the alleyway and wrapped the container with the sweater as I placed it down. I got up and nyoomed outta there.

I wondered if the person was gonna drop something today. I was daydreaming but snapped out of it when I noticed someone's approaching figure. I quickly got up and hid behind the trash cans. A cute little girl with (h/c) hair came over and looked around, after confirming the place was empty she quickly pulled out something that looked like a sweater and placed it on the floor before running away. I came out from hiding and eyed the suspicious object. It looked like something was wrapped around with the sweater. I picked it up being careful not to use my quirk as I slowly unwrapped it. To my surprise, there was a container with a note on it. I read the note and was shooketh...*ehem* I read the note and my eyes widened. This sweater andddd this food was Does that mean..yesterday...and the day before? Who?...I decided to wait until they come back for their container as I ate and enjoyed the pancakes. I quickly changed into the sweater, it was slightly oversized but it was warm and comfortable. An hour later I noticed the same girl was coming back. She noticed me sitting there with the sweater on. And she...SMILED!?

I went back after playing with my friends to pick up my container. As I reached there I saw the boy sitting there with the sweater on and an empty container. I smiled, happy to know that I helped someone. At least I think I did. " are you giving me these things?" the boy asked. "I saw you crying and it made me sad, so I wanted to help you. But I didn't know if you were dangerous..." I smiled at him again, "at least you stopped crying!" I exclaimed happily and I noticed his eyes widen. "Who-who are you?" He asked. "Me? I'm (Y/N) (L/N) I come here every day to play at the park. What about you?"I fired the question back at him.

*flashback end*

I finally came to a stop at a small corner cafe. As I walked in I greeted the woman at the counter as I looked around for my friend. I notice a man in the corner with a black hoodie sitting by himself. I slowly crawl over behind him...


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2020 ⏰

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