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I'm back home.

Yey. Not.

The driver picked me up after Uncle Raven found me hiding in Alex's room. I stayed there for a couple of hours, and I still can't believe I was talking to the same Alex Montenegro, queen-bee of AIA.

She seemed so different and so much better.

I actually didn't know whether she had her memories back when I came in her room. I was trying to hide from Uncle Raven and her room was the first thing I thought of. I knew where her room was because I've been stalking her for days already.

I saw her in the hallways, smiling, and talking to the nurses. I even saw her in the pediatric ward, playing with the kids there. She read them stories and sang them songs. She even played the guitar and drew a dinosaur for little Tommy.

I mean, what the hell? That's not Alex. At least not the same Alex I grew up with. We've been in the same class since we were four years old. I got to see how she took Jake's robot when we were six and threw it in the lake.

I saw how she single-handedly beat up a group of boys when we were twelve. I saw how freaking mean she could be.

She was detached, emotionless, untouchable. The only few times I saw her smile was when she was putting people in their places. Granted, most of them deserve it, but she has the sharpest tongue that can really cut a person to the core. She finds their weaknesses and she hit them there hard and she doesn't stop until she sees them bleeding. She was ruthless.

I had a moment of stupidity and got on her nerves once, and man, that was terrifying. She didn't even say a thing. She just raised her perfectly lined eyebrow at me and told me she can end me only she can't be bothered to.

She was snappy and grumpy and totally merciless.

That was the Alex I know. The one in the hospital is a completely different creature that can be as dangerous as the original, only in a different way.

I wasn't kidding when I told her she made my heart flutter when she apologized and looked so sincere. I snapped out of it of course. I'm not the brightest man there is, but even my blue hair can tell that with or without amnesia, there's no way I can fall for her.

Right? Right.

So, it irks me the way I was so nervous and upset when she cried, I almost punched my face for it. Maybe I just didn't want her to kick me out from her room. Yes, that must be it.

And the only reason I was enjoying our conversation more than I should, was because I was bored and her amnesia was very amusing. I mean, the girl is so gullible I can tell her all kinds of shit and she would just believe me. That was fun.

I just like messing with her. It's all. Right? Right. So why am I smiling like an idiot alone in my room?

I shook my head and decided to stop thinking about the new Alex Montenegro.

I looked at my untouched room. I haven't been here for almost a month; you'd think I'd miss it. But I don't feel anything. Not about my room, or the house or anything in it – because it's just that -a house, a place I sleep at, and stayed at when there's no other place to go to.

It's not a home.

I sighed. When did I become so freaking pathetic and when did I start the pity party? This won't do.

I picked up the phone and called the only person in my contact that wouldn't annoy the shit out of me. Well, not that much.

"Yo, Kai! You're back?" Ino asked from the other end. It sounds like he's watching games and from the loud cheering at the back, the entire team is probably with him.

"Yeah, man. What game is on?" I asked my half-Japanese almost brother. His mom and my dad dated for a few years back in primary school, but his mom had the good-mind to leave my dad after a couple of years. It didn't stop us from being friends though.

"Manchester. Yuki and the team are here too. Wanna come over?" he asked as if I'd say no to that. I probably lived in Ino's house more than I lived here.

"Be there in thirty," I said and was about to hang up when Ino spoke again.

"Welcome back man."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2020 ⏰

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