Chapter One-Kota POV

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My father is Dracula. Many of you would assume this is an amazing thing and be jealous that I was raised by such a famous historical figure, even if he isn't at all like the books have portrayed him. But that wasn't exactly the case. Not even close.

Dracula met my mother when she was a young (human) woman and charmed her away with his vampiric skills. You see, us monsters weren't exactly in the limelight at the time. We still lurked in the dark, luring away our victims, and killing without remorse. Sure, we were told as fables to children to scare them, but we didn't actively announce our presence amongst the humans. It wasn't safe. However, we made exceptions to the rules of exposing ourselves. And that's what my father had done with my mother.

When Dracula spotted my mother one cold, winter evening, he knew she was his. And that didn't necessarily mean my mother had a choice. Many monsters have what we like to call, imprinting, or mating call. It's a natural instinct to mate and clicks into place when a person, or other monster, of compatibility is in our eyesight. It differs from monster to monster on how it is activated. Whether it's sight, smell, or taste, we can always find our one. But that doesn't mean that the match is always one for the best. That was the case with my mother and father.

At first, she was delighted with his charm. Reveled in the attention he bestowed upon her. It wasn't until it was too late that she understood his true nature. Not the fact that he was a vampire. She could handle that aspect. No, it was his controlling and demanding ways that set her one edge. The abuse he would inflict upon her if she didn't act, or do something, exactly like he wanted. It became too much. Too painful. But she had others to think about.

It wasn't until after my sister and I were born that things became even worse. When the abuse escalated and she could no longer hide the bruises marring her porcelain skin. It was strange, seeing marks upon her flesh when she was supposed to be this immortal being and incapable of such injuries. I questioned how such a thing was possible, but she always brushed me off. Whether because she didn't know or the terror of such an act saddened her, I wasn't sure.

Then the Great Scare came.

Monsters were exposed and hunted to extinction.

My mother saw this as our chance. She was clever in her deception of my father. Going so far as to lead humans directly to him while maneuvering us out of the townhouse we'd commandeered as our home. We fled during the night under the cover of darkness for days upon days, never stopping until mother deemed we'd escaped far enough from our father's rule, as well as human civilization.

We found an abandoned castle outside a small human village posted upon a hill that overlooked the valley. It allowed us to see for miles and miles while still being hidden away. Everything we needed was around us. Trees, water, and whatever might suit our fancy. The only thing missing...other monsters. Interaction with others.

It wasn't like we had many friends growing up. Father controlled many aspects of our lives and having outsiders privy to what was happening within our household was not something that he could afford. But that didn't mean we didn't interact with others at all. Most of the time it was humans, but every now and then a monster was thrown into the mix. It was nice to interact with someone my same age. Sure, I had my sister, but it wasn't the same. She didn't have the same interests as me and was a few hundred years younger than me. Most of that had to deal with our aging process, but I was sure we could find other monsters the same relative age as myself.

After a few hundred years had passed, I was alone. Alone with only my mother and sister to keep me company. I was tired. Tired of doing the same thing every day, all day long. I started a vlog, hoping to at least get an online following, but even there I couldn't find friends. It was depressing. But at least I could stream music videos and live performances of my favorite teenage pop star.

It was slightly embarrassing to admit that my favorite music artist was a human girl no more than seventeen, but her voice was enchanting. There was just something about her that called to my inner monster and I was wrapped around her lyrics, soaking in every word she sang.

I'd found her by accident. She popped up in my autoplay list on YouTube and next thing I know, I've listened to every song she has ever sung. Even went as far as to search her on the web and alert myself to new releases and press releases about her. You could say I was a bit obsessed. When she was playing a concert in a nearby town, I'd begged my mother to let me attend, but she denied my request. Saying it wasn't safe for us. My goal was to see her in concert at least once, but I needed a plan.

Later that week, Mother took us for our monthly fly through town. We transformed into our bat forms, the first time for Jessica, and went out. We were flying for several hours before a billboard caught my attention. It was of my favorite popstar, Sang Sorenson, in all her magnificent glory. It was like a beacon, lit up just for me. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and flew straight into a pole, causing me to revert back into my semi-human form and fall to the ground.

When I came to, my mother was standing above me, fluttering her hands around anxiously.

"Are you alright, Kota?"

"I'm fine, Mother."

"What happened?"

"Nothing. I got lost in thought and wasn't paying attention. I'm fine now."

"Alright, let's head back."

Flying off once more, I'm slower than my mother and sister, taking in the area one last time before heading back into seclusion. My sister must have gotten tired because I spot both of them in semi-human form in an abandoned electricity factory not too far in front of me. Swooping down beside them, I transform, and immediately search the area for threats.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, Kota," my sister snivels. "Just needed a quick rest. I can continue now."

A small smile pulls at my lips, and I push my glasses up on my nose.

"I had the same problem when I was your age. You'll build muscles in your back and wings quickly. Then you won't even feel the strain any more."

She smiles back at me and we turn batty and head home. I thought the area had been free of humans and monsters alike, but I had been wrong. So very wrong. That night things changed for me. Changed so very much that I'm not sure what exactly it has in store for me.


(1207 word count)

I changed a few things from the sneak peek I gave you. I think some of the changes were in the sneak peek at least. I know I added to what I had already written and changed a few things. 

Hope you like it.

Happy reading!! 

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