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Okay guys this is the new book! I'm more experienced now so, yeah this will be better and more descriptive. Oh and don't worry Nsamaru lovers, I'll rewrite Naraku sister.
And I'll get Sesshomaru in character! XD I'm not gonna tell you about my charcter until the end of the book, because that makes her mysterious. Let's begin

"Is the moon tired? she looks so pale
Within her misty veil:
She scales the sky from east to west,
And takes no rest.

Before the coming of the night
The moon shows papery white;
Before the dawning of the day
She fades away."

The sky was painted of the color charcoal, shading the clouds as they bathed in the moonlight. The moon shimmered it's beautiful glow across the lands, as it's beauty along with the stars lightened up the dark.

A fire crackled whilst underneath, hidden in the wooded trees a girl, an imp, a creature, and a demon watched the moon glimmer to its full potential.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Asked the little girl known as Rin as she continued admiring the Opal in the sky.

"Of course it is, now shut up child!" Yelled the imp as he continued scolding the girl of breaking the peaceful silence.


A calm but cold voice spoke which shut the imp up right that second. He turned hesitantly to his lord with clear fear drenched on his face. "Y-y-yes mi'lord...?"

"Shut up"

He nodded eagerly and rushed to the girls side rather being by her to escape his lords rath.

The man had long silver hair that looked so beautiful as his golden eyes. His features were clearly sharp and handsome, but he kept a stoic expression on his face as he stared at the moon.

His feelings were being mixed as he looked, tossled and turned, stretched and crumbled. He hated gazing up at the sky at night, He detested the sight of the sea, and he would scowl at any shining star that past.

However, he couldn't help but love it either. The memory he shared with a certain woman in his childhood, had him now unfortunately staring at the darkened sky that he was supposedly to hate.

But the memories came flooding back in his mind, her oh so beautiful face he wouldn't mind to stare at for years, and her beautiful porcelain skin he would lay butterfly kisses on in their passionate frenzy, Her even longer blond hair he found stroking for hours, and most of all her lavender eyes that were filled with love and passion only for him.

He growled at the past thoughts and closed his eyes, agitated he found himself falling asleep in the moons sky.

Even though this is the only time I can see you,

Let my moonlight prove as love,

As it shines down upon you.

Forever, I am the moon,

And the stars are my eyes.

And the shooting stars are my tears,

That I shed for you when I love you from afar.

Across the Sky[Sesshomaru x OC]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora