Chapter 1

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Hi friend.

To those out in the audience who read my first lord fluffy book I am so glad you are giving me another chance!

Thank you my Nsamaru Fans! I might not be finished with Nsami but thanks guys for reals.

Anyway I know you wanna skip this go ahead, but I would recommend you to read.

I'm not going to do a charcter bio until the end of the story. I want you to try and figure out my charcter!

I would give hints of course but it's up to you to find them. Thanks for listening to my rambling now onto the story!!


"Enough Lady Tsukino, this is your judgment-"

"Well screw it!!"

The two gods siting on a pier sighed as they looked down upon her. Her flawlessly beautiful face was scrunched up into a scowl as her normal long blonde hair flied all over the place along with her movement. She was pissed.

"You banishing me? What crime have I done to deserve this? What an outrage!!" She screamed louder her porcelain skin turning red by the second. Rain started to pick up, the sea began to rumble and clash against the seashore, and wind began to cause catastrophe onto the earth below.

The second god sneered at the woman in chains with a laugh of mockery rising the woman's loathe.

"Do you think by causing a Strom onto the beings below will change your atonement?" Her giggles increased "What a fool you are..."

The binded blonde fixed her gaze to the male god with her dazzling lavender eyes. His body stiffened at the sight of her. The other's words were soon gone from his ears and was replaced with his heartbeat that sped up the second he stared.

Her long blonde hair that fell to her ankles made him want to run his through it a thousand times, The beautiful smell of flowers and honey dew froze him to the spot, her lovely lavender eyes that had many emotions locked in but constantly sparkled with mischief.

She had him caught in her web.


Their eyes were disconnected as he turned to the old woman inside his heart he loathed but carried a façade for power. "Yes?" He asked in a slight angered tone.

"We should have her executed. I'm tired of her, we can always have her replaced with our son Eren, don't you think?"[I'm sorry couldn't resist]


He looked over to the female to see her staring down at the floor shaking with....fear? Anger? Sadness?

"Nadashi, I don't know.."

"Oh come on I think it's an excellent idea!" She sat up briskly walking down the stairs as the guardians moved aside to let her through.

She strolled down over to the spot the chained beauty sat. Nadashi twisted her curly brown hair sprouted with grey around her finger.

Using her other, she used her hand to pick up the girls chin and face her.

She laughed bitterly as she was glared at and turned to Yuūto with a smirk and eyes filled with jealousy and hate. "Look at this pretty face," squishing her hands onto the girls porcelain cheeks.

"What a shame. I'll have Eren bring me your head after the execution~"

"Or maybe I'll bring you his..."



Fiercely Nadashi turned her head towards her and grabbed her throat. "WHAT DID YOU SAY?! WAS THAT A THREAT?! I'LL HAVE YOU MURDERED YOU LITTLE BI-"

"ENOUGH!" Yuūto abruptly stood up and pointed a finger to the guardians.

"Bring lady Nadashi to her room and lock her there."


She was silenced by the guardsmen as they grabbed her and began leading her to their room.

"And you, Lady Tsukino..."

She lifted her head to face his stern gaze.

"You shall be banished from the realm of the gods and stripped of your magical abilities except immortality while remaining in the form of a child."


She didn't have anything else to say before a bright light stabbed her in chest, igniting light that pierced the dark lit room.

Her body felt weak as her powers we stripped away, titles were erased from her status, and her body shrunk into a human of the age 13.

She fell to the glory with a thunk and was surrounded by her now large clothes and long beautiful hair.

She heard footsteps walk alongside her, only to lift her head to see the feet of the man who did this to her.

"Be happy Lady Tsukino,"

His voice fading and her vision being darkened.

"The only thing that remains of your past self, is your beauty and memories."

After those words, she passed out by exhaustion.

Damn you,

I swear..

When I get my powers back...

I'm gonna kill all of you!

And finished with chapter 1!!!
Srry if this was short, I wanted to end it there. Hey I'll make the second chapter long and good.
So yeah!!

Across the Sky[Sesshomaru x OC]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora