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Percy, Annabeth, Connor, Chiron, and Will gathered around Nico's table as I grabbed the knife through my sleeve and touched the pommel to Nico's forehead.

The effect was immediate. Color rushed into his too-pale face and his eyes flew open. He began to choke, and black smoke was expelled from his nose and mouth like he was breathing fire. He sat up.

"Woah. What happened?"

Will took his hand, and Nico let him. The fangirl part of me threatened to let itsself out, but I forced it down and managed to explain.

After I was finished, Nico shook his head. "You didn't even ask what he wanted to warn you about?"

"I was more worried about you," I said. "He's waiting for me to go back though, so now that you're okay--"

"Can you take me with you?" Nico asked.

Will shook his head and held up Nico's hand. "You need rest, Nico. I don't know what going back there will do to you."

I nodded. "It's best if you regain your strength. If the lord of Chaos himself wants to warn us about something, I think we should all be in fighting shape."

And with that happy though hanging over the group like an impending storm cloud, I took the amulet out of my jacket pocket, and put two fingers on the knife.

The shadow was waiting. He nodded to me as I walked up, still cautious. I still didn't trust him.

"Nico is fine," I told him. Without his interference, Nico wouldn't have been in a state to begin with, but I didn't say that. I expected one of my ghosts to roll their figurative eyes at that, and felt empty when I got no response. My voice broke a little when I said, "thank you."

The shadow waved its blocky arm and a very comfortable looking set of night black couches appeared around us. He took a seat, then gestured for me to do the same.

"Who...are you?" I began cautiously.

His shadow disguise melted away. Where a disfigured shadow had once been, there sat a person with deep black eyes, and skin to match. He was wrapped in a grey cloak with the hood down. He had braids running down the middle of their head, the sides shaved with swirling patterns. Dual blades, similar to my own, were sheathes in an X on his back.

"I am Erebus. Chaos. But I'm sure you figured that out already." He winked. "You mind is very unique, you know."

The situation was so surreal, casually sitting in a dim, gray, shadowy version of the Big House conference room with a man who just happened to be the oldest greek diety ever, the first thing to rise out of the primordial soup 3.55 billion years ago.

A moment of silence, I thought to myself, for the kids in the Hypnos Cabin. Only my dreams make this little sense. How do they do it?

Erebus let out a deep belly laugh. It was so contagious that I had to suppress a smile.

"The kids in the Hypnos Cabin do just fine," he said, still grinning.

Oh. Of course he could hear my thoughts. "Um... "

"Don't worry," he said. "It's not true mind reading. It's more...essence reading."

"Great," I said. "That makes sense."

"I suppose it is a little confusing," he said. "But that's not why you're here, is it, Ash?"

I shook my head. "You said you had something to warn me about?"

"Yes. Recently, two powerful demigod friends of yours traveled through Tartarus."

"Annabeth and Percy."

"Yes, them. They talked their way past Nyx, who does not appreciate being played. I think she deserved it though because like why she gotta make things so dark and depressing all the time? Like I-"

"She's upset," I interrupted before he could continue.

"Yes. She is using all her reputation to get the worst daimons and monsters to attack camp."

"What? Me and Percabeth are going to have words about this," I said, standing up and jumping over the back of the couch. I began to pace.

Once my thoughts settled enough to process the world around me again, I asked: "What's in this for you?"

He frowned at me. "I'm sorry?"

"Why would you come warn us?" I said. "This is bad news, but not bad enough to awaken the Lord of Chaos. What aren't you telling me? Why are we worth your notice?"

"First, I prefer Crown of Chaos," Erebus said. "Gender is such a human thing to have a bias against. And second, how long have I been alive?"

I frowned. I was getting a headache. "Since the beginning of time?"

"Yes. Do you have any idea how long ago that was? Can you even comprehend the amount of time I've been alive? Did you really think I was just sleeping all this time?"

"Wasn't the reason Gaea took so long to rise was her size and power?"

"Well yes. But she was also the Earth. Slow and steady, right? Not me. I'm literal chaos. I am the cause of all entropy on your planet. One of my favorite jobs is making you life interesting. Do you know how much fun it is to mess with scientists? And they always keep going! They're stubborn, I'll give them that. Also I'm out and about because I've had so much longer then Gaea to rise. But I'm a good guy! I'm here to help!"

I sat down.

"I need to get back to my friends," I said. Then something stuck me. "If you can walk around the world spreading disorder, why couldn't you come into camp?"

"I did come into camp."

"But not fully. It's the camps protections right?"

"Yes, along with some ancient codes. A deity cannot directly engage a hero, but a hero can go where they want, challenge who they please. I needed you to come to me."

I nodded. "Can you come back to camp with me?"

"Only if you invite me in."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2020 ⏰

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