chapter14: the plan

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emma: hi guys

cole: why aren't you sitting with those i said pointing at the cheerleading table

emma: because they are arguing

amy: I thought you love to argue

emma: amy look I am not here to pick a fight

amy: I am sorry

emma: its okay I should be the one apologizing

amy: no its fine

emma: cole can I borrow to you for a minute

cole: which part of me babe

emma: just shut up and come on

cole: whatever

emma: okay so me and mason were dating for a while we were doing it under secret so nobody knew but one day he came over and things got dirty and tyler bust in on us

cole: I appreciate your honesty but what does tayler as to do with anything

emma: remember when I told you guys that tayler was ex boyfriend well.... I was lying he is my brother but we didn't know and things got messy so that's basically it

cole: and what do I have to do with this

emma: well... I need you to pretend to be my boyfriend to get tyler jealous if he still like me but if he don't well...

cole: okay so whats in it for me

emma: well if he dosent likes me you w can get back your best friend and both of you can go and whore town

cole: sigh okay I'm in

emma: lets get this show on the road

amy: where are have you guys been

emma: I have something to tell you but don't freak out

amy: what is it

emma: cole ask me out

tyler: what!!

amy: that's great emms

cole: probably we could go on a triple date if mason gets a date

amy: mason?

mason: well that's not a problem every one wants a piece of this I said pointing to my self

emma: then its settle

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