chapter 8

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"Shawn, are you okay?"
"Ya I think so.." He stuttered.
"Then.. whats going on?"
"I got this text," He mumbled.
"Screenshot it," I demanded.
"Are you sure?"
I ended the call and waited for him to send me the picture.
Once It came in, I clicked the picture and read through the messages. They were threats. Terrible threats. One of them read, "I see your every move so watch your back."
I froze and started to panic.
I called Shawn back.
"Shawn get to Orlando now."
"Thats what my plan was,"
I felt bad cause he sounded so frighted and his voice was incredibly shaky.
"Are you on your way?"
"No not yet, but soon."
He hung up and I sat on my bed.
Im not even nervous about meeting Shawn, I just want him to be safe.


Shawn called me back several hours later and told me he arrived in Orlando and that he wanted me to meet him at the airport.
I threw my jacket on, got my keys, and headed out the door, not caring how I looked.


I arrived at the airport 20 minutes later. I pushed the doors opened and pushed past everyone to get to the spot Shawn told me to meet him at. Okay now I was getting nervous. I wiped the sweat off my hands and sat down on a bench where I was suppose to meet Shawn.
I sat there for about 5 minutes, scrolling through twitter and Instagram.
My head finally shot up when I heard a familiar voice scream my name. I saw a tall boy running towards me. My heart started beating fast and sweat covered my hands. I stood up and ran over to Shawn until I reached his arms.
"Hi," I breathed out. Shawn released our hug and stared at me in my eyes.


Yay new chapter GO GRIFFIN

Sorry I haven't updated in years. Ive been so busy with school.
But I will try and update more!

Hmu on twitter and Instagram
Insta: Idk_griffinn
twittterr: celebratejacob

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