Recording #1

111 14 3

'....Today is the first day of the experiment.

We begin testing today. The serums are ready for injection into the subjects. They have been handpicked by The Society based on body size, intelligence and willpower.

Subject One has displayed a mental strength unlike any seen before. She has held out throughout testing and never cried out once during the trial periods.

Subject Seventeen on the other hand, makes up for what she lacks in willpower in intelligence. Her mind works at an alarming speed and leaves nothing untouched. Already, she knows the exact dimensions of her cubicle and the mechanics of the door lock.

Subject Twenty is a perfect model. Beautifully built with a physique that could only be earned through determination and exercise with a touch of anorexia and bulimia. She has been eating so far, so her body should be able to handle the serum.

Lastly, Subject Five. A sort of combination of all the first three subjects. She manages to incorporate intelligence, beauty, and willpower effectively and has shown no side effects from any of the trials.

Together, these women are dangerous and should be kept as far apart as possible. Slowly, we will bring them together when the time is right but not hastily. Till then, we will continue to run tests and house these women as far apart as they can be in The Gland until we can use them to get what we want.'

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