Chapter 13

422 32 13

Bakugou's POV:

He thinks I could be a good wife?

Jesus Christ he's delusional, why do I tolerate him again? I scoff to myself,

"Oi Sato, I'm heading out." I announce gruffly, before slipping into the pipes.

Now to get completely lost...


Ok, lost. Why did I do this to myself again? Right, pride is a vicious mother fucker. Ok let's see where this room is. I lift myself out of the tube and observe the room.

You have got to be fucking shitting me

"DAMN IT DEKU IM TRYING TO GET AWAY FROM YOU SHITTY EXTRAS WHY CAN I GET SOME GODDAMN ALONE TIME." I shout. Deku turns around quickly, as does shitty half n half beside him.

"Kacchan! I- I had no idea you would be here!" He stutters, but stands his ground. I sigh

"Look, are you guys gonna leave? Or should I? I don't want to see either of you right now." I state bluntly. The vampire bristles

"You don't have any right to speak to him like that. It's uncalled for. I'm going to ask one time to start speaking politely, if not I won't hesitate to put you in your place." The. Audacity. I was trying to be nicer like shitty hair said but I guess that's out the window.

"Excuse me? I'm so sorry for striking a nerve. That is polite for me and if you're not satisfied with that I'm not going to filter myself for you. If that's going to be a problem for you half n half bastard I suggest you shut your mouth." I snarl.

"H-hey guys, no need to be hostile. Todoroki, we can just leave. It's not worth it to fight. And we were leaving anyway, let's just leave." Deku intervenes. Shitty nerd, you don't have to protect your fucking boyfriend or whatever.

"Fine Midoriya, let's go." Finally half n half and Deku leave the room. Allowing me some piece and quiet. Why did I try to be nicer again? Because of fucking shitty hair? Why did I even listen if he's not around to see it? Ugh it doesn't matter because it doesn't fucking work now does it? Fucking hell. I scoff to myself, before turning around to continue exploring the labyrinth of pipes around the refuge. eventually I notice a pipe that goes vertical. So does this lead to the roof? Is there even a roof? I follow the pipe up anyway. eventually it opens into a small pool on one of the castle peaks. its an open area with a pool in the dead center, and a ladder that leads down into what I assume is a regular passage way. I take in the view.


The sky is breathtaking. The sunset paints reds, oranges, purples, pinks and golds across the sky. Blending together to make an amazing sight, the distant forests and mountains are washed in a peach glow. I inhale, taking a moment to appreciate the amazing colors in the sky. Then I exhale. Wow, this is amazing. Ive never been one for scenery but this is something special. I look at the wide expanse above me again. The clouds blending with the colors to create variants in the sky. Kirishima would like this. He seems like the the kind of guy to like this stuff. WHY THE FUCK do I know that? When did he start showing up in my thoughts like that unannounced. Not cool shit hair.

"Maybe one time." I mutter to myself,


maybe Ill show him the sunset up here once

sorry its short, I promise theres going to be longer ones coming up!

Q: Most useless quirk?

A: Honestly not to hate on her but hagakures quirk isn't very good. So many people in class 1-b's class are much better and have more combat abilities (sorry if I misspelled her name I literally have no idea anymore)

Cya homies and homos

Within A Warlocks Walls «*~{A kiribaku fic}~*»Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora