Crush is Puppy Love?

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"Mark, are you drinking alone?" A handsome senior asked Mark while he was drinking alone in a certain bar.

"P'Vee? What are you doing here?"

"Me and my friends were having a drink. Why don't you join us?"

Mark agreed and they went back to the seat of the seniors. Yiwa immediately hugged Mark when she saw her code line junior.

"Aww. My adorable junior. That bastard doesn't deserve you." She soothes the junior.

"Phi, I'm fine. I really do have bad luck in choosing a partner."

Vee's ears perked while looking at the junior. He would always be unconsciously intrigued and worried about Mark since that day he saw him witnessing his partner's infidelity. Mark looked sad but moreover, he looked like he was already used to that feeling, his eyes were shallow and looked empty. Since then, his senses would always follow Mark.

Everyone was having fun but Vee kept his watch on Mark trying to see if the junior was too drunk.

"Nong Mark, you should ask our Mr. Moon here, Vee, how to look for a stable partner. He was dating his girlfriend for a year now." Pond said.

Mark's onyx black orbs looked at Vee and it made the senior's heart jump out of excitement and nervousness. "W-what?"

"P'Vee, how come I never met someone like you who could be dedicated to only one person?"

Vee's heart beats wildly. A feeling of euphoria surge inside him with Mark's compliments. Does he see Vee as a good man?

"Err, I'm one of a kind though."

Mark nodded his head and slightly smiled yet that alone made Vee feel his heartstrings were tugged.

When everyone else was getting wasted, Vee kept his eyes focused on Mark who was struggling to walk. He hooked his arm on the waist of the junior to support him.

"Oh thanks, P'Vee."

Seeing Mark's reddish face up close, Vee needed to remind his heart to stay calm because he could tell that it was dancing vigorously.

"I'll get you home."

"How about the others Phi?"

"They could handle themselves." Vee looked at his friends. "Yiwa, I'll get nong Mark home." The only woman in their group nodded her head.

Vee and Mark commute because it was safer since the both of them were both under the influence of alcohol though Vee was still sober. Riding in a bus, Vee made sure that Mark was sitting comfortably. He made the junior's head lean on his shoulder so that Mark can comfortably sleep while they are on the way to his dorm.

The senior felt happy while taking care of Mark. He didn't know this kind of feeling even if he has a girlfriend, he never knew that the mere fact of him sitting here with Mark could make him extremely content, full, and unbelievably happy.

When they reached Mark's dorm, Vee woke up the junior so that he could walk on his own but the senior was still supporting him with Mark's arm on his shoulder and Vee's on the junior's waist.

Vee slowly put Mark on his bed when the junior opened the room's door. It was a very clean and cozy dorm. He could see all of Mark's belongings neatly arranged.

"Mark, could you change first?" Vee asked while gently tapping the pale handsome face of Mark. He couldn't blame those men who got attracted to this junior because he was also being lured in by Mark's charm and handsomeness. He shakes his head to erase any thoughts distracting him because he wanted to focus on taking care of this wasted junior in front of him.

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