merry christmas?

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hi there sorry for this late update. it was supposed to be up by christmas but i was slightly busy. but it's here now!!! also, it's quite the lengthy, i apologize.

it had been one year since the war with gaea, meaning almost one year since annabeth and i had broke up. after the whole tartarus trip, things kind of went downhill. well, for annabeth anyways, but for me it began right before we fell.

it had been good for the time being but after awhile, i think we both started noticing that everything was different between us. everyone thought we were closer afterwards but it was all a front.

it started when nico had promise me to help find the doors as i hung over the edge of the hole in the floor. the look in his eyes held so many emotions, i don't think i've seen him that vulnerable. not since bianca... throughout tartarus, all i could think about was him. he's all i ever think about now, but i haven't seen him since the war and my life had been a living hell the whole damn time.


it was probably 8:30 p.m. when i heard jason at the door of my cabin. "percy, it's christmas eve, quit being mopey and come play some games with us." i groaned and buried my face further into my pillow, "go away, grace, it's also almost 9. i don't feel like doing anything." all of a sudden, there was a loud bang and my door was flung open. "you've been saying that for months. you have to get up! you haven't even been on any quests since the war, for gods' sake! we're worried about you, perce." i rolled my eyes at jason's weak attempt to get me up. "you can't stay cooped up in this cabin forever, you know. you'll get lonely and have to come out someday," i snorted at the irony of his remark, "oh, jason, if only you knew." blonde superman raised an eyebrow at me, "is this still about nico? you've got to be kidding me, percy!" at that, i shot up straight, ignoring the dots in my vision from getting up too fast. "you don't understand, jason. he left because of me and i couldn't do anything about it! it's always my fault that he-" "listen here, kelp for brains, nico has a lot of problems, okay? he has better things to worry about. it's not always about you," jason spat. "yeah, you were the main thing but he was good at keeping those thoughts at bay up until you had to open your mouth about it!" my mouth hung open to reply, only to close it again, being at a loss for words. tears pricked at my eyes. 'don't cry in front of him, percy. you're stonger than that'

"i just wish... i just wish i could've made him stay," i looked up and met jason's eyes. he took a seat at the end of my bed and gave me an apologetic look. "i wish he would've came to me before he left, that i never said anything to anyone. i wish he was here." the son of jupiter ran a hand through his hair and huffed, "that's a lot of wishes, jackson. but i wish he was here too. then you wouldn't be keeping yourself locked up in here all the damn time. he thought it'd hurt less if he was gone. boy how he was wrong," "do you.. do you still talk to him?" my voice shook as i spoke. jason gave me a small nod, "yeah, i do. i'm constantly trying to get him to come back and talk to you, but it never works." i sighed and flopped backwards onto my bed, "thanks." he nodded and stood up, "no problem. but do us all a favor? put on a shirt and meet me at my cabin in a few minutes. it'll do you some good, you're starting to look a little pale." and then he was gone.


"he's actually out of his cabin"

"he looks like a ghost"

"the bags under his eyes are darker than the pits of tartarus"

"i can hear you, you know" i grumbled at the campers that were poorly trying to whisper about me as i was making my way to where jason wanted to meet.

i caught sight of the tall blonde walking back to his cabin. i strode up behind him, "jason," "jackson, you actually got out of bed! i didn't think you'd do it!" i rolled my eyes, "okay i'm up, now what do you want?" before i knew it, i was being dragged off by the arm to hades knows where. "you're gonna yank my arm out of socket, grace. where the fuck are you taking me?" jason's grip on me loosened up a bit and he turned his head towards me, "aphrodite cabin, piper's gonna fix you up. there's a christmas dance tonight, remember?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2014 ⏰

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