The Kidnapping

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So I know I still have the trans Virgil story but I do not think I will finish it sorry for that. Instead I have decided to start a new story. I have full intentions on finishing it. Updates will be kinda all over the place but enjoy I guess.

TW: kidnapping If there is anything else let me know.

(Logan's POV)

I walked back to my room aftera long day of being ignored again. I changed quickly before starting to work on planning for our next project.

Sitting at my desk, I tried to focus on the work in front of me, but I couldn't seem to stop thinking about whether I was actually needed here. Before I could even tell myself how illogical I was being, a hand was on my mouth before everything went black.

(Remus' POV)

After Janus had put his hand over Logan's mouth, I hit him renduring him unconscious. And after many failed attempts at lifting Logan, we finally got him. When we got back to our side, Janus helped me tie his hands together. We didn't want to hurt him, I just wanted to piss off my brother.

-time skip brought to you by Remus and his deodorant-

Janus and I had been waiting for hours now and Logan still hasn't woken up. I was starting to think that I had hit I'm too hard. My thoughts were interrupted by a loud groan.

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