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TW:I don't think there is any but tell me if there is I'll fix it.

(Logan's POV)

I awoke to a headache and my hands tied together. 'What happened? Better yet, where am I?' Now that I look around, I realized I'm not in our 'house'. I also see green clothes strewn about the floor. 'Remus, but what did he want with me?' As I asked myself that, he walked in.

"Oh. Well.   J! NERD'S AWAKE!" Remus screamed pointed to Janus. "K. I'LL BE THERE IN A MINUTE!" Janus screamed back.

"Why am I here exactly Remus?" "Oh yes well I know your close with my brother-" I scoffed. "-and he thinks you need to be on the 'light side' sooooo....... I kidnapped you to piss him off." Remus staed as if it were obvious. "To clarify, I am being used to anger your brother until he comes over here for me like a Disney prince." "Yep." ""You do realize it could potentially work in favor of him." I stated matter of factly. "No it can't." "Yes it can, seeing as he constantly wants to prove he is a real prince. He could take it as he is a prince saving the 'damsel in distress'. And I for one do not wish to be called a damsel by your brother." "Oh." He sighed seeing I was correct. "I'm here." Janus stated as he walked in. "HI J!" "Salutations." "So I am |not| assuming you told him the plan." Janus said. "Yep." "Good."

"I bet Roman'll be her by tomorrow." Remus declared suddenly. "|Definatly| I'll give it a few days." Janus remarked. "No I do not expect any of them for at least a week." "Why?" Remus inquired. "Simple. I am normally either reading silently or, when I do give my opinion, it is brushed aside. Therefore I spend most of my time in my room. Patton will normally notice first and come force me away from my work to eat." Janus and Remus stared at me. "Is something wrong?" I questioned. "Is that why you were out for so long? When was the last time you slept Logan?" Remus exclaimed. "Um........

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