My musical dream!

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Just like most people I have a dream...And PS this book is directly true and all my thoughts!-Me the writer and editor of this book!My dream may sound impossible at most times but...I want you to know that Anyone can accomplish their dream if they work hard towards it! And I'm only young...Which makes it seem like forever...But I'm working so hard...So hard that my fingers and arms hurt- (my dream is): I want to become a famous indie rock singer/guitarist/drummer! Yes it's what you would call a hard dream but I have a good voice good rhythm and I have supporting people in my family! So I know I can make that dream true! You just gotta know which route to take and plan it out!And sometimes unexpected things may change your route, and the way you take. But that's why you plan ahead when you have time and that's why you keep this in the back of your head: No matter what happens I am me I am something and I am unique with talent! So I hope I taught you something! I just wanted to share that with you! Please comment if you have a dream you want to do and tell me about it! I know you can do it! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2014 ⏰

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