July: Ludus

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Book Title: "Ego's Trap"

Blurb: "Bribed by her stubborn and terribly conceited self, Imani Ane agrees to be the personal maid of a creep whose family's a little too perfect.
To the undeniably humble Ane, everything looks fine as she struts about the wealthy Campbell's residence. She tends to its needy, frustratingly beautiful twig of a Master, but such mercy's bound to not last long. Romance is in the air with little to no patience and so are the demons hiding in plain sight. They are always ready to pounce on any soul that disturbs them, even if they're Ane's own.

Prepare yourselves for a crazy, unforgettable mash-up of humor, psycho-thrill, and drama."

Author: indigosa
Author's Note: "Hello there~ yes you! I'm Indigo, nice to meet you! I'm honored to have my baby featured by Cupid in their 'Ludus' reading list. If you like to be messed around with, this is the book for you. So much crazy happens, so much drama, that you won't know what hit you by the end! ;)"


Book Title: "Right Next To You"

Blurb: "A coming-of-age story expressing the feelings of two teen boys, who come from very different social climbs, but still find their way back to each other."

Author: LunaThinks
Author's Note: "Right Next To You is a story I hold very close to my heart, due to it being one of the first books I've completed start-to-finish. So I'm quite honored to have it featured in the reading list of Cupid's Book Club :)"

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