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Harry: Good morning guys

Harry added "Draco" to the chat

Ginny: Harry Love, what's with the group name?

Ron: Yeah mate? What is with it.

Fred: George and I talked him into it

George: It's a combination

Fred: Of Draco and Hermione's names!

Harry: Dramione

Draco: Gross. That's disgusting.

Hermione: Wow thanks Draco.

Draco: No offense! I just uh.... never mind

Luna: Well Draco it's better than people saying you should be with Harry....

Ginny: Yeah... Drarry

Harry: EWWWW

Draco: Ooooo i don't mind that....

Harry: Omg no no no. Never in Merlin's name.

Ron: Hehe

Fred: What's funny?

Ron: I... I can't say

George: Spill. Tell us or we will find out ourselves

Hermione: Oh no. Ron keep your little mouth shut.

Harry: What's happening?!

Luna: Tell usssss

Draco: NO DON'T.

Ron: IM SORRY! I caught Draco snogging Hermione on her bed last night when I went to go give her something.

Draco: I WILL HEX YOU! 🤬

"Hermione" has left the chat

Draco: See what you did! You made my girlfriend leave

Luna: Girlfriend...?


Harry: Oh sure.

Fred: Draco just admit that you love her

George: Cmon please! You guys would be so cute

Ron: I'm sorry Draco but I suck at keeping secrets

Harry: Well that's concerning.... now I have to go and think about what I have told you over the years.

Ron: Don't worry, your secret that you used to like Draco is safe with me.

Ginny: I thought Ron was joking!

Fred: Plot

George: Twist

Draco: W-what?....


"Harry" has left the chat

Ron: I should really keep my mouth shut....

Luna: Draco???  Anything you wanna say

Draco: It's Pansy. Draco is running around the common room squealing like a child.

Ginny: ......

George: The Drarry ship

Fred: Has sailed

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