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This story takes place in a world of

Humans and Dragons

Not just any dragons that steal livestock from medival towns or merely burn down houses...

These were cruel dragons.

...Except for some...

Flare Tail is one of the few dragons who has a kind heart among the flashing teeth and claws of the others. 

He is the oldest dragon and one that ages the slowest, meaning he has been healthy all throughout the years of seeing humans suffer terribly under the claws of dragons. Ecspecially some humans that had once been his friends...

...But now...

Now, Flare Tail won't take it anymore.

He doesnt want to make another friend to lose them.

He doesnt want to do the generation of leader's bidding.

He doesnt want to sit down and do nothing.

He doesnt want to watch the dragons get crueler.

And that is where our story begins...

Dark Road Ahead - Original Dragon StoryWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt