Chapter 1: Friends

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A/N: The singing will be in bold.

Lily's POV

I walk through the muggle side of the barrier and am greeted with the hustle and bustle of magical people either trying to get in the train or say goodbye to their loved ones. Checking down at my watch, I notice that I'm 10 minutes early, and since Petunia dropped me off here, I have no one to talk to. Looking around, I try to find my two best friends, Marlene McKinnon and Alice Prewett. As I'm looking around, I (accidentally) catch the eye of a familiar yet greatly disliked face. James Potter.

"Hey, Evans. Evans! I know you can hear me." He tries but fails to get my attention because I already know what's coming next.

"Had a good summer, Evans?" says James, in a polite yet enthusiastic way. What?! What was that? I think he tried to engage in an actual conversation with me. Sighing, I turn around and reply, "Yes, great. I would ask you, but I'm afraid Marlene and Alice are waiting for me in a compartment. Sorry, see you later."

His face falls for a second but almost immediately goes back into a happy expression. He says goodbye and see you later to me and I turn, walking into the train. Unfortunately, I have no idea which compartment Alice and Marlene are in, so I walk down with my trunk trying to find out. Finally, near the end of the train, I can see a mass of curly dirty blond hair and open the door.

"Alice! Mar! So good to see you, how were your summers? Mine was ok, you know how Petunia can be." I ask, taking in their outfits and expressions. As always, Alice is dressed in a comfy but cute outfit, with a brand name t-shirt and skinny jeans. Her short brown hair is straightened and falls to her shoulders, and her face has a little makeup on, creating a natural look. Marlene, however, is looking gorgeous with her off- shoulder crop top, knee length skirt, and gold hoop earrings.

Looking at their outfits makes me second guess mine, a hoodie and leggings, but oh well. Marl's bright blue eyes look eager as she retells the best parts of her summer, but she seems a little distracted. Alice also seems to notice, and asks her what she's thinking.

"Oh sorry, I just thought of a new beat for a song. It would be a good love song." She absent-mindedly answers, and hums out the beat. Love songs. I know someone who wants a new love song. "I know who would want a new love song."

"James?" They say in unison, smirking.

"No, you twats, Sev! After he called me the m-word, I said we could still be friends. Last year he admitted his "love" for me, and now he won't shut up about it. Every day this summer he showed up to my door with a bouquet of flowers and a speech. At least James only had one question. He once went on for a good ten minutes!" I exclaim, watching their expressions morph from confused to laughing, and it looks like I've hit them with the tickling charm for a minute before they finally calm down.

"Sorry Lily, but it's funny how you have not one, but two annoying admirers, who are both sworn enemies. They hate each other almost as much as they love you!" Marlene says, collapsing into a fit of giggles. Seeing my irritated expression, Alice quickly swoops in with a calming voice, "It's ok, Lily. Next time, remind him of how annoying it was when James did that, and he'll probably realize what a prat he's being and stop."

Thank God for Alice and her good advice. I think it over and nod, happy that I have something to say next time he tries to proclaim his love for me. Done talking about Sev, I try to turn the conversation back to Hogwarts, "Do you two know who the new Headboy is?"

"Oh yeah you got Headgirl! Congratulations, I knew you would get it!" She says, beaming. I thank her and turn to Marl, who is usually well-informed with school gossip. She wears a smug expression on her face as she remarks, "I know who it is, but I can't tell you. Even if I did tell you, you probably wouldn't believe me!". Annoyed, I roll my eyes and say, "I have to get to the prefects compartment now since I have to be there early. Talk to you two later?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2020 ⏰

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