More Than Friends?

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Hi there, im y/n and im gonna be telling you the story of my life...

"y/n get up!! I made you waffles!!" shouted your sister.
"waffles? But its a school day right..." you said confused
*looks at phone*
"eeeek its Saturday!!!" u screeched
"i can finally go out with my friends!"
You got desssed into a red vest and some jeans and put on some blue converse, you then ran down stairs and put the waffles into a paper bag. You shoved them into your backpack and headed to the beach. You met up with your best friend, peter. Peter had brown wavy hair, hazel brown eyes, ge was about 5'8 and was extremely kind.
"hey!!" peter said
"hiii!" you replied
"soooo what do you wanna do?" asked peter
"oh, nothing much, you wanna go skateboarding in a abandoned water park?" you said
"YES!" peter said  excitedly
You went and got your skateboards from home and then went to an abandoned water park, you climed over the gates and walked up the stairs to a wide blue twisy slide, it had no roof so u decided to show off and do some tricks, peter joined in... You skated on all of the slides when
"owww!" you had slipped.... But just before you had landed on  the floor, peter caught you. You stared deeply into eachothers eyes, peter kissed you!
"im sorry, i shouldnt have done that!" peter said
You kissed peter again and then said
"its ok, i forgive you:)"
Whilst laughing at eachother the police came and peter grabbed you by the hand with the skateboards in the other and you ran from the police.
Once the police had stopped looking for you, you stoped at the beach again to catch your breath.

"hey its getting late, i should probably leave."you told peter
" yeah, yeah thats fine! "peter replied with.
" hey i had fun tonight! "you told peter
" me too! "peter said back
He looked at you in a way that made you blush.
" do you want me to walk you home? " peter asked
" yeah, that would be nice! "you said calmly
~you and peter walked back to your house~
You stopped at your front door.
" bye peter! "
" by y/n! "
As you walk into your house, you pull out your phone from the  back pocket of your jeans and look at the picture you took of peter

" bye peter! "" by y/n! "As you walk into your house, you pull out your phone from the  back pocket of your jeans and look at the picture you took of peter

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For some reason you couldnt stop looking at it! You didnt have a crush on him, but you did at the same time... It was weired... You went to sleep but just after you had fallen into a deep sleep your phone vibrated...

* 1 new messages from peter:) *

* 1 new messages from peter:) *

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-Ill probably write a part 2-


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2020 ⏰

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