Part 3!

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U begin casually riding ur bike to school, the wind blowing wildly in ur hair as u cycle down the streets and towards the entrance. When u finally get there the bell had already rung so it was almost completely silent as u walked through the building. U searched for the class u were supposed to be put in called '1A' but u couldn't seem to find it. U search for around 10 minutes before finding the correct room.

U strut on through the door, eating the granola bar ur brother gave u, and everyone's heads look over at the door as u walk in.

"Hi?" Ur speech was slightly muffled because ur mouth was full of granola bar but they understood u. It was strange tho because they could hear u, but their faces still looked over at u in complete confusion.

"Ur late" A man piped up from the front of the classroom and u look over at him. He looked tired, almost on the bridge of passing out, and his hair was dropping over his face.

"I know. U don't think I noticed that?" U roll ur eyes at him and he raises an eyebrow "So is this 1A? I have been searching for like 10 minutes but this school is so confusing I couldn't find my damn way" U look around the classroom, waiting for someone to answer.

"Of course it's 1A. How did u not notice the large door that said '1A' on the front of it?! Are u that dim....extra?!" A kid from the other side of the classroom glances over at u as he begins to mock u. His eyes were a crimson red and the frown that hung upon his face was an expression of dominance over the classroom. Not for long.

"Oh I saw the sign. I was asking just in case this school was stupid enough to change the classrooms even though it has that sign. A school like this seems like it would do that" U look him in the eye as u speak, unfazed by the death stare he was giving u the whole time. U were used to messing with punks like these so getting on their nerves was like a game to u.

"A SCHOOL LIKE THIS WOULD NEVER DO SUCH A THING!"  A boy towards the back of the class begins to yell at u and it catches ur attention. U look over at him and smirk

"Well u seem to be right considering this is 1A. So I guess it isn't a school to make such mistakes. So why not...pipe down a bit would ya?" u roll ur eyes at him and then look back at the man who was standing at the front of the classroom. U guessed he was the teacher so u talked to him

"Are u the teacher? If so, where the hell am I sitting in this hell hole?" U look him in the eye waiting for an answer.

"Go and sit beside, Iida Tenya, the blue haired boy with the glasses towards the back. And since u arrived so wondrously late, u are going to have detention after school to make up for that time" After finishing talking to u, he goes straight back to teaching his lesson, not paying any attention to u anymore.

"Tch. Whatever" U mumble under ur breath. U didn't even want to be here but now they're making u stay longer?! No worries, detention is the easiest of places to escape from....

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