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I felt like writing some Y/N fluff/lemon bc I haven't read a good one and I miss that klance type beat 😌 ft my baby daddy Hitoshi✨ somehow this has become longer than I expected, I don't want it to be a slow burn but SHIT I don't know how else to act😔

You sighed and let the cold pillow caress your cheek. It was a long week at work and Hitoshi still wasn't home from his hero work. Your soft yellow LED lights dimmed above your head as music quietly played in the background. It was getting late but it was Friday so you didn't have to get up early the next day. Slowly you raised yourself to your elbows and reached for the remote to the TV in front of you. As you idly flipped through the channels your mind raced thinking on if you should call him.

You and Shinsou had been only friends for a couple months and being roommates with him didn't help much with your eternal pinning.
We had only playfully flirted with each other a couple of times. You, being just a little slow, couldn't really tell if he was flirting back or just being playful. Shinsou always had a monotoned voice and a pretty tired looking expression playing on his face majority of the time. After living with him for a month he became less reserved around you and opened up a little bit and that's when your feelings started to flourish. Most of the time he came home tired due to his long hours being a hero. Sometimes you feel a little bad but he always expressed how much he loves it and wouldn't trade it for the world.

A sense of longing slowly crept its way into your gut as you turned the TV off and rolled out of bed. You jutted you're bottom lip a little and made your way to the kitchen. You just needed something to get your mind off this man at this point. Him not being home for 3 days straight was starting to make you more and more anxious. Calling him wouldn't be a bad idea but he rarely answers or calls back, causing you to feel more confused by your relationship.

"Your driving yourself crazy Y/N!" Your muttered to yourself.

The cold wooden floors nipped at your bare feet as you shivered slightly. You turned on the electric kettle and made your way back to get some socks out of your room.

A click at the door snaps you out of your foggy trance and trips you up a little bit. You heard the front door swing open and a deep, tired sigh drummed through your ears. You said a little prayer hoping it was Shinsou and not some crazy villain trying to kidnap you. (being friends with a hero was tough okay) You slowly crept to the entrance of your doorway to peek out into the hallway. Seeing that fluffy purple hair revealing itself from under a black hood and familiar tired eyes made your heart race a little.

Shinsou raises an eyebrow to you peeking from around the door frame, a small smile forming on his lips. It was only then you realized how beat up he looked. A large bruise lining his jaw and a fresh gash rested atop his nose bridge, eye bags looking more prominent then usual. Your excited expression quickly turning into concern.

"Hey-" Shinsou started as your marched up to him resting your hand on his bicep, inspecting his wounds.

"What the hell happened?" You softly murmured, unease taking control on your actions. Hell yeah you was concerned for him! You haven't seen him in 3 days and he comes back all beat up! You didn't hear of a huge fight as of lately on the news so you were extremely puzzled on why he was so wounded.
Worst case scenarios played in your head as you reached up to cup his jaw, tilting his head slightly to get a better look at the current bruise. It was then you noticed a bright red blemish peaking out underneath his pulled down mask. A blush bloomed on your cheeks making your head feel hot. You snatched your hands back and gave him some room now noticing you were probably violating his personal space. You were so flustered and lost in thought that you didn't even notice his warm hand leave the small of your back.

A small chuckle escaped his mouth as you snapped your head back up to lock eyes with him. Alluring lavender eyes making your knees slightly weak but you would never admit that.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2020 ⏰

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