Ferdinand x F!Reader

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(A/N): My precious boi Ferdinand receives all of my love


"Thank you, Professor. I promise I'll give it my all!" I exclaimed with a small smile as I respectfully bowed to Byleth who just accepted my request to transfer to the Black Eagle house. The Ashen Demon just nodded in response before leaving to attend to her own matters, most likely planning tea time with some of the other people at the officer's academy.

While making my way to the classroom, I was skimming through my current tome just to get a good bearing on some of the spells I've been slacking on before suddenly getting knocked down to the ground. My tome landed next to the other person's feet with a thud.

"How undignified of me, it's not befitting of a noble to knock a lady down." The man cried on as if he was on stage preforming a drama piece. "I am so terribly sorry, if you'll allow it, I can make it up to you by brewing some tea." I saw him offer a hand and I willingly accepted it "Thank you, uhm..." I was about to probably thank him using his name, but even seeing him around the academy I realized I still didn't actually know his name.

"I am Ferdinand Von Aegir!" He exclaimed proudly. "(Y/N) (L/N), it's a pleasure to meet you." I introduced myself and before I could say another word, he took me by the hand and began to lead me somewhere. "Such a dazzling name befitting someone as beautiful as you." I could feel my cheeks heat up at his bold statement as I tried to politely thank him but ended up stuttering all over the place which I heard him chuckle in response.

The rest of the walk was pretty quiet aside from small chit chat here and there. "Ah, here we are, you can make yourself comfortable while I brew us a cup of tea." I slowly nodded as I gazed around his dorm room. Getting lost in my thoughts, I snapped out when I was greeted with the sound of footsteps approaching and the placing of causers. Glancing up, I saw Ferdinand holding his own cup with a smile with my own sitting on the small causer in front of me.

Ferdinand POV

"Are you alright? You seem a bit on edge." My attention focused on her when I caught glimpse of her expression. "Oh sorry, I guess I just zoned out is all, it's very generous of you to invite me here and everything though." The (H/C)nette muttered quietly as she picked up the cup before taking a sip. I saw her expression brighten up which was only to be expected, my tea making skills are the best across Fodlan.

I sat down across from her as we both made idle conversation. "I've seen you around the academy before but I'm actually not sure what house you're in, but I do hope you'll consider joining the Black Eagles, you'll make an excellent addition to our team and not to mention I'd enjoy your company." I suggested bluntly to (Y/N), already hoping we get more chances to spend time together.

Third POV

"Actually I've been recruited into the house earlier today, I was on my way to the classroom before our encounter" (Y/N) spoke up and Ferdinand rested his cheek on the palm of his hand as he couldn't help but look at the girl in awe when she chuckled, which sounded angelic to him. For some reason he couldn't exactly figure out why he felt relief that they were now in the same house together, though he did know for sure that he would treasure any and every moment he could spend with (Y/N).

"Do I have something on my face?" (Y/N)'s eyes widen in concern as she hoped she wasn't embarrassing herself. The noble shook his head with a small smile "no, I just had an idea in mind." "An idea?" Her curiosity was peaked as her full attention was placed on him. "Well, it's more of a confession. If it's agreeable, would you like to attend the grand ball together later this month? We can even visit the goddesses tower"

As Ferdinand rambled on a bit about how good his dance moves were and telling a legend about the toward, (Y/N) reached over the small table and gently held his hand.

"It's a date"

(A/N): I legit thought it would've been better and longer but god damnit do I fucking suck at writing. How does one do good plots pls

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2020 ⏰

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