Chapter 3

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I had this dream that night. It was an unexplainable dream with a weird twist. However, I'll try to explain it. I was, in this room with lots of people surrounding me. I was watching this TV. No. I was controlling this TV. And the image on the TV screen looked just like the Glade. I'm not sure why, but we were laughing. "Haha! Send in another Griever" I laughed and hit a button somewhere and then this big, metal....bug? Spider? Something came out from a wall. I woke up before I could see what happened next.

When I woke up, the sun was already beating down and everyone was up but me. They were nowhere to be found. Oh no. I missed the meeting. " need to panic..I'll just find Minho." I walked to the maze hoping he wouldn't be too far in. I took one step in the maze when I heard Chuck yelling at me. "ADDISON?! What are you doing!!!" I turned around to see him and Minho running toward me. "I'm sorry I was just curious?" I ran and met them halfway. "It's okay. But NEVER set foot in the maze again. You scared us." I patted Minho on the back and followed them into a little building made of sticks. It looked like some sort of weird hut. On our way there, I noticed it looked like it was going to rain. Great... By the time we got in, everyone was already inside. Gally turned around and looked at me with hatred. "Sit" he said sternly. "Now as you all know...each month..." He kept babbling on and on but I couldn't focus. It was so awkward. I was on one side of the room and everyone else was on the other side. Newt wasn't really paying attention to Gally either. He made a weird face at me so I made on back. We did this for a while before he made a really funny one and I started laughing. "You little shuck face" Gally said a little too loud. "You think it's funny??" He stood over me and gave me a death glare so hard I thought it went straight passed my eyes and straight into my soul. I just shrugged my shoulders and he hit me in the head. Hard. Everyone gasped. "Now as I was sayi-" "Why do you hate me?" I had tears in my eyes. "What did I do to you" I stood up so I was eye level with him. "You., little miss "perfect", came up in that stupid box! You broke the rules by stepping into the maze not once, but twice!" I looked over at Minho in fear. He looked back at me with the same stare. "We were suppose to have this little meeting last night..but guess what you did? Fell asleep!! I looked down at the ground as a tear slipped from my cheek "And you have ALSO been distracting everyone since your ugly little self came up in that stupid box a few days ago! You are beginning to ruin us!" "Okay that's enough Gally. Leave her alone." Newt stood up. "She hasn't done anything to you or us. You just always have to hate on the new people." Thomas stood up from the back of the room. Thunder rolled in the distance and the wind picked up speed. "No it's okay." I said in my little voice. "He's right. I ruined everything." I turned around and ran into the Glade. It was already raining outside but I didn't care. Once I was a good distance from the little meeting area, I sat down on the grass and leaned agains a pile of wood, facing the maze doors. I didn't know why Gally hates me truly because I have no idea what I've done. I just blamed myself to stop them from arguing.

Nobody came to see if I was okay, so I sat in the pouring rain. Alone. Not even newt came for me. I wonder if Gally was still talking to them. Either way, it was going to be a long day.. Friends or no friends. Rain or no rain. I just sat there for an hour or so, just thinking about what I did "wrong"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2014 ⏰

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