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Name: Phoebe Devlin
Age: 14
DOB (I like to say happy birthday): 4th of may
Sexuality: bi
Are you out to anyone?: everyone
Country: England
3 things you like to do: photography, reading & writing
3 foods you like: pizza, chips and nutella
Favourite TV show or movie: lion King II: simbas pride (don't judge, I basically got brought up by that movie)
Height: 5"7
Pineapple on pizza?: yep
Fears/phobias: no phobias but I can't stand spiders or heights
Your story if you want to: at the age of 4 something happened. I have been bullied throughout primary and high school, outed by my ex-best friend. I went to therapy through year 7 and 8 but I'm not okay still.
Other acc: fkgjagdkf

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2020 ⏰

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