Chapter one; The beggining in one way, the end in another

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WARNINGS: Suicide note, suicidal thoughts, suicide, self harm, strong angst, strong language, unsympathetic Roman, sympathetic Deceit.





Those toxic words among others rushed through my head as I sat at my desk, my pen slipping out of my hand as I momentarily lost consciousness. It was 2:00 in the morning, and I was once again disobeying my almost nonexistent sleep schedule to write my secret note. It had to be perfect to make up for all of my many imperfections. I had been working on it for weeks now, the plan was already in place.

"Dee!" Remus yelled, pouncing on me from behind. I quickly stuffed the letter into my draw. "What now Remus? I'm busy." Remus groaned. "You're ALWAYS busy, you never play with me". I sighed. "Can't you just play with your brother for once? I can't handle your eccentric personality at all, especially not right now." Remus pouted. "It's 2:00 am, no one's up. Why are you even still awake? That's my job." I bit my lip, knowing that I couldn't answer that honestly. "Just go to bed Remus. I'm not in the mood for any distractions". I turned away, feeling slightly guilty as I heard him storm off, muttering insults under his breath. It wasn't his fault that he didn't understand, it was mine. It was always my fault.

I let the pen dig into my hand until it broke the skin, making me realise what I was doing. My scarlet blood mixing with the black ink fascinated me, almost making me forget to remove it again. I pulled the pen away and went to my draw of bandages. I was running out, and I had only gotten a new batch last week. I sighed, getting it out and applying it to my hand.

This was bad, Remus had already noticed a few of my injuries. He was going to get suspicious. Luckily, it wasn't uncommon at all for me to have my hands covered when I was around the others. It's not like anyone would care anyway. The only one that might have something to say about it is Logan. He would only care because he puts physical health over mental health constantly, usually not caring about the reputation of the person with the injury.

I remembered to lock my door this time, keeping Remus from coming in again. It was as if he had a sixth sense that alerted him whenever my door was unlocked. I couldn't explain it if I tried. I went back to writing my letter, sighing when I saw it scrunched and bent. I shouldn't have shoved it in there so hard. Everything I do seems to be wrong. I pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind before writing again, where they all came back out onto the paper.

I shuddered as I got the familiar feeling of being summoned, snatching my hat before standing up and letting the ground lose its hold on me. I put on my usual act and tried to ask what was happening, but I was cut off as usual by Virgil. "Was it you?!" I was confused by that. "Was what me?" Virgil frustratedly sighed before angrily gesturing to an overtired Thomas. "You think that I want him tired? That makes it harder for him to lie, so of course that would be in my best interest." That confused them all. "So then why is he awake?" I shrugged and pretended to inspect my nails. Wait, nails? They shouldn't be visible. My gloves! SHIT. They saw.

"Deceit? Why the fuck are your hands covered in bandages?" Virgil asked. I backed away. "No reason." Roman grabbed my hand and began to count. "13 bandages!" He told the others with a shocked expression. He picked up my other hand, doing the same. "17! Deceit, what happened?!" I tried to pull my hands away, but he kept a firm grip. It didn't help that his grip hurt the newest wounds. "LET GO." I hissed. "Roman, let go!" Virgil warned. He knew this tone. Roman shook his head. "And let him sink out to probably make this worse?"

I was shaking and I almost felt like I wasn't in control of what I did next. My eye stung as it flashed a bright yellow, the slit pupil dilating. My canines grew, turning into huge fangs, forcing my mouth open with their size. I threw my head forward and sank my teeth into the prince's shoulder, making them all scream. Roman's scream was undeniably the highest.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2020 ⏰

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