Chapter 1

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I smiled coyly at him as I laid poolside as I watched my dad fix one of his latest hobbies with his best friend Kole. My dad was working underneath the car whilst Kole was bent over the side of the car helping from above. I pushed my sunglasses onto the top of my head "I'm getting a drink, would either of you want one?"

Dad called out "I'll take a beer."

Kole nodded "I'll give you a hand."

I slipped my shirt over my head walking inside through the side door. I went to the fridge throwing it open grabbing two beers and a bottle of water. Kole came over to me grabbing the beers placing them on the bench as he looked for the bottle opener. He placed his hand firmly at my hip pulling me away so he could open the draw.

I rested my back against his chest as he rifled through the draw. "How has your holidays been?"

I shrugged against him "I never thought I would miss school."

Kole laughed "you are probably just saying that because you are bored."

I nodded "other than getting a great tan and reading a bit I have been bored."

He popped open the top of the beers pulling away from my body "have you thought about a job or internship?"

I nodded "yeah, I have looked into it but I don't know what I want to do."

He smiled at me reassuringly "I am looking for an assistant at the moment. Until I find a replacement would you like the position. You will have to work and sometimes it requires later hours..."

Before he would continue I threw my arms around him hugging him tightly "thank you, thank you, thank you. When would you like me to start?"

I shrugged "come in tomorrow so I can sort out all the paperwork and show you around, you can start work Tuesday."

I hugged him tighter laying a single kiss on his cheek "thank you, Kole. This means a lot to me."

He grabbed the beers off the counter rejoining my father outside. I stayed inside finishing my bottle of water before making a start on dinner. I poked my head outside "Kole, are you staying for dinner?"

Dad yelled back "of course."

They both came inside cover in grease and dirty. I rolled my eyes at them pointing upstairs. They both took the briefest of showers. I ran upstairs to change into a pair of shorts and a singlet for dinner. As I was coming out my body smacked into another.

My hands were pressed firmly against his well sculptured chest. I blushed as my eyes met his "I'm glad I didn't cop a feel of my dad."

At that I thought my cheeks had gone a shade darker than humanly possible. Kole chuckled "are you enjoying coping a feel of me?"

I pulled faces "I have felt better."

He scoffed circling his hands around waist "Morgan, does your daddy know that you go around feeling guys up?"

I playfully slapped his chest "go get dressed you're dripping all over the floor."

His arms circled my waist tighter "that might just your drool."

I rolled my eyes pushing away from him "get dressed dinner will be ready in ten."

I rushed down stairs bracing myself against the bench as I tried to stop my erratic breathing. I have known Kole since I was 9. He was 20 at the time. I grew up with Kole's brother Richard. He died in a car accident, that's when Kole came into the picture. He began getting into trouble and my dad stepped in taking him under his wing.

Dad said that growing up he and Richard were joined at the hip and Kole was the annoying little brother that always wanted to be cool and hangout with them.

Dad was the first to make his way down stairs. He pulled me into a hug kissing the top of my head "Kole told me about your new job. I am proud of you sweetie."

I scoffed " I hardly call getting the job hard. I didn't even sit for an interview."

Dad ignored me grabbing two plates off the counter placing them on the table. I grabbed the other sitting down beside him. Kole joined us a minute later taking the seat opposite me. I smiled at him taking a bit of the pasta.

It was a quiet dinner which I was thankful for. Dad took off straight after dinner because he had a date. I was left with the dishes. I was running the sink when Kole came up beside me "what date number is this?"

I shrugged "I think they are on there fifth."

Kole chuckled "do you think he is serious about her?"

I shrugged "I think so, he asked if I wanted to meet her. I know when I went away last month he brought her here."

Kole took the dish I had washed and began to dry it "do you want to meet her?"

I nodded "she makes him happy. Mum was never the right person for my dad, I knew that from a young age. I won't ever stand in the way of his happiness."

Kole smiled putting the dried dishes away "your a good daughter."

I shrugged "I'm getting older and am looking at moving out, I don't want him here alone."

Kole nodded "have you thought about university and what course you might do?"

I nodded "of course but I don't see the point when I don't know what I want to do. I have always been so indecisive with my career path. I just don't want to make the wrong decision and be stuck somewhere, where I won't be happy."

He placed the tea towel on the hook sitting on one of the stools "I thought you were starting uni?"

I nodded "I am enrolled but I am going to withdraw. Dad wanted me to go, he encouraged me to apply but I don't feel that's where I should be."

Kole smiled "I never went to university."

I was shocked "how are you so successful?"

Kole laughed "I made really good investments and got lucky. I then decided I wanted to help others be as successful as me. I hired people that knew what they were doing."

I laughed "it sounds like you faked it until you made it."

He snorted "it happened by accident but I am glad it did. That and your dad helped me stay on the right path."

I dried my hand coming to sit next to him "you would have found your way eventually."

My Father's Best Friend Where stories live. Discover now